posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 04:17 PM
This is different to the 'adopt a member' thread, which is for all members no matter how long they have been members. This is the thread for members
to post who would be happy to buddy new members and for new members to ask for a buddy.
NOTE: 'new' member can be someone who has been around for a short time, it doesn't have to be the day you joined ATS!
I'm sure most regular members at ATS see how sometimes new members can be put off, or find difficulties in one way or another, a buddy who is a
member already could help. Although ATS is a singular forum I've seen this type of buddying work well at other forums.
Because of the U2U restriction new members should post here for buddies, and discussion with their buddies, until they can use their U2Us. Don't
forget you can start your comments section on your profile page also.