posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by UFOpsychiczebra
it's an interesting question - one of the earlier posters mentioned that she saw that relationship with her mother
and like I said - I don't necessarily see it as being about love/romance/sex
it's true female/male is a polarity
but if you really want to get into this subject - well, cripes - where do you start?
what is the soul,
is there a soul, - what is your actual identity?
I've always had this notion that we're each individual parts of one whole
if there is something to the two parts of one whole idea - maybe your soul mate is a destiny of sorts - where you will inevitably end up - it is you
to some extent
so your gender - or gender preference - is not necessary to the equation
if we're going to talk about souls - we may as well bring up angels - just to make a point
they've been described many times as being genderless/asexual
so - the polarity and necessity of two genders - might just be a pragmatic, production oriented system for our physical selves - but means nothing
whatsoever to our spiritual, everlasting selves
you know - if you believe in that sort of thing :-)
but - if this thread is talking about the classic subject of soul mates - as being your one true mate - and then Soul mates - Fact or Fiction? - well,
I don't exactly have science to back me up - but I say fact
because I've heard some amazing stories about people finding other people
and just this overwhelming sense most people seem to have that there's someone out there they need to find