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No Planes Allowed, what is up with UA175??

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posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 02:19 PM
I have done read alot of material in regard to what the camera and the video-recorder has to say about UA175 striking the WTC.

This thread will have alot of documentation to read and look through!!!! PLEASE PARTICIPATE IN READING BEFORE LYNCHING ME..K?? :p:p:p:p

Like I said this is what I think the evidence suggests that images are falsified and tampered and hoaxed on purpose then leak to the outside world... for a cushing in which to beat into The worlds head of fabriction this is the story this is what happened, this how you saw things!!!!

Now let me clarify, I am in no way shape or form claiming that Eyewitnesses saw nothing no planes or some missles, this is discussion of what cameras and video had recorded and the MSM has placed merit upon. Understand??? I am not telling you what you saw in real life. I was not there and I will not tell you what you did or didn't see!!!!! This is about what the evidence I found, states to me.....This is about images, video and the likes. Ok ATS READERS?

Start with this page please....

Notice the video, I am sure a few have seen this before, it raises some serious questions about the 'authenticity" of the video and picture evidence claimed by the MSM to be "eyewitness" testimony....

1.) Where is the UA175 in this shot??? Seriously where is the plane? Again sure it can be edited and cut out, but then again that would conclude the hoaxing is real and apparent.

2.) Multiple shot, [video and pictures] show and recorder different trajectories of the impending collision of UA175 and the south tower, which is Absolutely impossible to occur, One plane and only one possible path to follow to the tower.

3.) Continuity of video does no even match up to its own source, IE backgrounds and plane en-route. Haxors had done a bad bad job of overlays and editing.

here is the video with the UA175 added in missing a WING!!!

It was strange that the day of 911 it was annouced on the MSM that Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000 with the Manhattan terrain pack would be recalled and "illegal" to sell in the future.

I am looking for documentation that supports this, I don't have any, this is a recollection from that day. [does anyone else remember this on 9/11?]

Why? to cover tracks I think.

The next document to go through please...


1.) I think this is truly amazing that the video and picture "eyewitness" can be so well reproduced by the Flight simulator program. Way to close to be coincidental!!!!

2.) So many anomalies have been noted with the structure of UA175 that it would have never flown or kept flying to the WTC South Tower.

3.) I believe the chance that so many "eyewitness" pictures video footage records so many anomalies with the same flight and conflict with eachother, I.E. trajectories, appearances and amoung so many other issues that this is a true sign of deliberate dis-information and doublespeak to the public, this is what you saw, this is what happened!!! Follow the cow in front and agree type of thing.

Now I am only posting what the video/picture evidence is suggesting, fakes foregories and deliberate dis-information double-speak.

I would really like to hear what voice you have about such an assesment, again I am not saying no-planes hit the WTC I am stating that the photo-video-graphic evidence has tampering in it, possibly a clear cut hoax, the jury is still out.

ATS you thoughts assesments and concerns, please!

[edited because I didn't proof read!!!]

[edit added a link]

[edit on 5-8-2008 by theability]

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 02:56 PM
I have to say that the documents that I have supplied state so many things about the day of 9/11/01!!!

Wihtout a doubt, the WTC Media Hoax Document has so much effort and documentation supporting, collaberating media evidence that day was jaded from all perspectives beyond anything I would have expected that day. I was fooled! The imagery worked on my subconciousness and convicned me that the WTC Towers are sticks of butter and that the Flights 175 and 11, two metaphorically soda cans of fuel flying at high speed diced right into STEEL like a RED-Hot butter knife, without any-evidence of slow-down on impact like one would expect from a plane impacting a 1365ft building at 500+ knots.

I was truly amazed when I found these documents a few years ago, 2006.

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 03:47 PM
How else are they going to convince everyone that planes hit the buildings, if they never did? Of course they would have to fake the TV images and play them over and over and over and over and over and over again until the lie is believed.

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 03:51 PM
In this particular part of documentation, not a single piece of debris falls off UA175 in this video stills!!!! NOT ONE!!!!

Absolutely a stick of butter, wow and thought the WTC was made of steel!!!

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by tezzajw

Yes agreed one million percent, yet we still have those that believe cans of jet fuel, (767's and 757's) are stronger that WTC buildings cutting throught them like hot-knives through butter!

Not to many realize how jet aircraft are made and assembled....

here about the structure...

[edit on 5-8-2008 by theability]

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 08:52 PM
About the video were the plane was removed and you only see the explosion

The job of removing the plane from the video was done by Luc Courchesne with the objective to show how easy was to put a plane and to take it out of the video.

The missing wing subject i find it interesting too , there are various videos were the wings disappears.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 08:53 PM
I must admit the whole thing seems a little bizarre but my money would be on one big and nasty type of hybrid uranium based missile/bunker buster drone made to look like a plane and loaded up with a cocktail of nasty explosives - or a very similiar model converted into a penetrating weapon. Consider the accuracy and maneuvering being impossible for a regular plane, we do have remote drones capable of hitting such spots with deadly accuracy.

What appears to happen in my opinion frame by frame zoomed in on 175 is that a frame or two after the plane has entered you can just make out a very acute scorched perimeter where the left wing went in (See pics), literally like the wings burn through as if it were some kind of hyperactive blow torch (hot knife through butter type effect), followed shortly after with what appears to be 3 massive explosions, from the south, east and north sides. In my opinion it looks like a very nasty mix of DU, white phosphorus, napalm bombs, thermite (and if there were any crew on board some type of bio weapon to neutralize them). Well at a guess it looked like the wing may of had some type of rod inside or incendiary but i don't know. Looks like they put everything in except the kitchen sink. All pretty spooky stuff.

Generally I agree though with the synopsis that aluminum planes shouldn't melt through steel girders! Well that's my input for this, keep searching for answers!

posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 01:53 AM
The wing disappears due to video compression.

The videos weren't tampered with - too many people saw it first-hand for them to be able to do that and get away with it.

Search on "no planes at WTC" and "video fakery" - this subject is as dead as the Dodo.

If you want to talk about videos - talk about the Pentagon and the Double Tree video. Now that one is worthy of scrutiny.

[edit on 9-8-2008 by mirageofdeceit]

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 10:00 AM
video compression?

Seriously, if the only anomaly was just compression artifact I'd agree, but since no plane I ever film with my camcroding, hd hand held, what ever I have, there is never WINGS disappearing in any video yet to date....

and beyond that each and every video the msm lets out shows a different trajectory for flight UA175 which is impossible for one aircraft to accomplish.

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