yay..i am back!! (i had been banned for talking about nesara..lol)
hello to all of my brothers & sisters!
do you notice more sightings of spacecraft these days?
more shows about them on teevee?
more talk on the internets
these are amazing times...5D consciousness is flooding onto planet earth.
clarifying 5D.
The 5th dimension is an awareness that many beings have brought over a long period of time into this planet. in the olden days only a few beings who
were trained to hold higher levels of awareness could bring that frequency to the planet, beings such as Ghandi and martin Luther king. Because in
those times past the frequency grid was still that of 3 dimension.
The 5th dimensional grid was anchored on this planet a few years ago. This has meant that humanity has been able to access higher level of their
soul’s frequency by themselves instead of through the teaching and example of others.
How are we transforming our world from 3 dimensional into a 5th diesmnaional world? Many people seem to think that the 5th dimension is a place we go
to, rather it is an environment and awareness that we have been creating and fostering within the existent sysytems.
5th dimensional awareness is that of unity, compassion, tolerance, and unconditional love for all. So hence our world has been shifting from that of
3d into that of 5d for some time now, this is an ongoing process.
for example the banking system does not resonate with that of 5d awarness, so we are seeing the beginning if its restructure as governments are
demanding more regulation.
When we start focusing on the environment and see how we can better look after our planet this is 5th dimensional awareness. When we see how we can
alleviate the mis- balance between those that are rich and those that are poor this is 5th dimensional thinking.
When corporations start to provide fair service and pay fair money without exploiting this is 5th dimensional awareness. When governments start to
serve the people rather than the elite this is 5th dimensional thinking.
The 5th dimension is to see the connection in all; it is awareness a state of mind that we are spreading into the mass consciousness gird.
It is not the systems of the world that are corrupt but the state of awareness that run them. When enough people holding 5th dimensional awareness are
to be found in hospitals, educations, charities, government, police, and army even, which is happening now, we bring our heightened level of awareness
and we share this with these around us.
Sometimes it is through talking, sometimes by them just watching the peace and compassion that we project.
Either way the 5th dimensional energies are permeating every single particle in this planet at sub atomic levels, and are also pervading the mass
consciousness mind.
Each human being is a light worker, and I suppose some are more than others.
However you are seeing people imparting 5th dimensional awareness in their music, in films, in books, in position of leadership. The world is still in
between the old that is crumbling and the new that is rising. As we focus on what is rising in the world, then we cannot but help and see that the
light infused with love is dominant in every heart and mind.
Each human being is awakening to their higher levels of self, more and more children are being born activated with huge levels of light. This means
only one thing that the 5th dimensional level of awareness is becoming increasingly more visible.
Hence the 5th dimensional world is here, if you watch the news from the corprate news they would rather have us focus on all that is dark in
humanity.However even a lot of tv programmes are now showing 5D awarness orintated projects, such as millionaires going back to their roots to donate
money to worthy projects,people travlessing from the west inot the most indigenous parts of the world to meet ancient cultres and to share wisdom.
i never thought i would see the day when a lot of tv programmes actually refelct unity, toerlance and compassion for all cultures and all groups of
humanity.but 2008 has been a great year in all ways,
The news is till gull of crap, but there are a lot of people now wokring even in tv production comapanies that are showing more compassionate and
humane shows.
Hence it is a process and not something that comes overnight.
However this awareness has never been stronger in this planet than it is now, it is the dominating awareness and light, and this says how much we have
come in such a short amount of time.
Thank You Linnius144..much Love to You bro.
there may be some lightship activity on 11-11-08
i know some of you love predictions! lol
all that matters is i love you all..some of you emotionally,all energeticly
thanks for the game..i will be happy when it's over,lol
[edit on 29-10-2008 by Skipper1975]