posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 09:45 AM
Ok, this will get me either banned, barred or summarily dismissed im sure.
Lets begin. Ok i awoke this fine morn to find a message in my U2U box from a moderator named 'Spider' something. Apparently i posted something
'offensive' to someone somewhere and i honestly dont recall saying anything threatening, invasive, xenophobic or otherwise hurtful to anyone at
anytime. I DO recall, however, expressing my opinion and speaking freely within ALL of the threads that interest me.
Here is the issue: Ok, i would imagine that within a site LIKE this one we would have absolute freedom of speech and expression as the site tauts such
things. Uncovering truth and anti-fascist govt discussions conspiracies involving incompassionate govt betrayal and the like. Yet when i reply to a
thread and say anything ANYONE out there, ya the multitudes of opinion, it gets read, disseminated and removed by someone by whose OWN opinion deems
it the hell is anyone here or anywhere else able to deem what is and what isnt appropriate?! I mean aside from a direct threat or
something this is STILL a free country..even though we all see it systematically being flushed down a toilet of political correctness and a rule of
mediocrity. It seems to me that we cant say anything to anyone anymore for fear of 'hurting someones feelings' Christ i remember a time where NOT
everyone was equal, cause we are not, and you had to work extra hard just to keep level...nowadays we have to have everyone thinking the same,
treated the same etc etc sounds more like Communism to me than a democratic capitalistic republic. Any thoughts? or will this post also get me
removed 1000 points? did i offend anyone by expressing my desire for freedom of speech and expression? did i mention anything in this thread to upset
anyone from any freakin culture or religion or sexual preference? if i did good!!! we need more of that....more debates that inspire passionate
discussion. Does anyone here agree with me?
It saddens me to think that even in places like this one that i THOUGHT promoted all the civil liberties and freedoms doesnt. Its another pared down
example of how our liberties are being removed form us. I would LOVE to know what i said to offend someone here...and if you read something you dont
like..tough thats life thats the real world ..sick of all this crap about political correctness..if you dont like something say so...if a group of
people bother you.....say so...hey if you dont like Prez Bush, gays, Muslims, Jews or Blacks...PLEASE Stand up and SCREAM SO!!!! This is a free
freakin country.