posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by atlasastro
Numerology is a "mofo," is it not? Everybody, to an extant, believes in an ill-will to happen when numbers align. The year 1,000. The year 2,000.
July 7th, 2007, many got married, believing in the numerical perfection of "GOD." I knew of many "churches" that didn't open their doors on June
6th, 2006. December 21st, 2012 is a big mystery now, especially because of two ancient calenders which, strangely, have the "end of days" counted
while on two opposite sides of the planet with, supposedly, NO interaction between the two cultures. Now, August 8th, 2008 is a date to be heeded.
For the record, the number "8" to most cultures means "new beginnings." In the bible, for one, there were 8 people aboard the ark. Circumcision
was on the 8th day, which signified the entering into the covenant with the 'Elohiym.
There were 8 covenants made with 'Abraham. Now, if you'll notice, there was destruction, in a sense, with each "8" involved. 8 people survived
the flood while many perished. Circumcision involves the perishing of flesh. The covenants to 'Abraham involve his "seed" to rule, while many
that oppose his "seed" will perish. Which side of the "8" are you on? If you're living a life that involves "sincere sacrifice" toward your
fellow man, you MIGHT have a chance. Along with this "perishing," there were survivors. If you're living acceptably, you have nothing to worry