posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 05:20 AM
This is very interesting to me. The president of Iran, the 4th largest producer of oil in the world, as well as 4th largest exporter, nonchalantly
admitted that oil markets are artificially high, and that there are powers that be, who set the price of oil -- not the market.
Not that i'm a follower, but isn't this exactly what Lindsey Williams is saying?
Now I don't love or hate Iran, but I have enough respect for the people of Iran to think that they wouldn't elect a "crazy" conspiracy theorist
for president, who doesn't understand the oil market which their country is totally dependent on. Nor would he be allowed to stay president, if that
were the case.
So is this true? Is the world being duped by a small group of people who really do run the world?
By the way, here is a link to the full interview with Ahmadinejad. The oil comments are approx 18:30 into the video.