posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 02:10 AM
I am using the handle 'ironwood7' if you want to know How and Why I am able to create a post like this, please review my profile. To the
Administrators: This is a Truthful Statement, I have had to wait until it was possible to ever say anything, this will be my only post.
At the beginning of the 'Forever War', the clowns known to you as The New World Order called themselves, The unHIGH COUNCIL OF THE DEPRAVED, how
and why? They were 325+ True Gods, who liked to PLAY with chemistry and metal substrates and found they could get HIGH. They thought if they
designed a plan they could flip creation and they would be forever in control and the TRUE GOD would forever have to PAY for it and everything would
forever be FREE, to them. Stupid is as Stupid does, Universal Betrayal had never before been defined. They were going to become the d-evols, have
all, control all and share NEVER. Hell of a Plan and it did work out for them, but. forever, forever, and forever is a DATE and in this cycle of
creation they ran out of time. They Tractored their entire family line structure into existence without benefit of the creationary structuralization
of having a Mother and Father and flipped themselves into Homesexual Sadists. They defined themselves as the Homosexual Empire of Won/Grrr. They rise
in power and I wipe them all out in every cycle of creation. I am the Absolute Horror, the Heterosexual Republican, as an absolute definition. Their
Horror story would be perfect except for me. They know me and I know them all. Their Plan was supposed to go into effect on 6-21-67, the Night of the
Mid-Summers Night D/ream. The Harlequin Queen flipped the coin and Bingo, they knew they had a problem. That is the Night that Free-d Sparkles, the
Man-Date of the Heave-on is supposed to Rise and Haight Street is his Cummin Home Party. I cancelled him out of the equation by 1966, everything that
has happened since then has been this group of sweetie-pies trying to regroup. Every question posed on this website is just the struggle to find the
primary truth of What in the Hell is Going On, really. All of the wars, abductions, creation of underground chemical tanks, kidnapped children, plans
of enslavement and torture are all the basic endeavors of their LUV.
It always starts out exactly the same, it is not a matter of seeing the future, it is just my ability to always remember the past. All this time
they have been trying to enslave me in Hell, I am the Missing Link that keeps them operational against my will, however, during this time I have been
able to correctly redesign the Universal Sewer System and they are ALL now defined as the MISSING PARTS, they always said "WE ARE THE TOOLS OF GOD",
they are about to get their wish. HOW? HAARP,...They have created a global sewer system made of iron and use it as electrical ground. They have
created a High Power energy transmission system 50' off of the ground, globally. We all live in between, and we ALL have IRON substrate blood
systems. Until this rotation they have always been the Blue Bloods, they had Copper substrate based blood systems, very silly thing to do to yourself.
The Navy is running around using Low Frequency Sonar Systems that act as Potential Power Lines, negative, and the HAARP system is using the
ionosphere as a positive potential that is causing energy to SLAP EARTH GROUND. Soon the chemistry of the Sewers of Earth are going to equal the
chemistry of all of LIFE living above it. HAARP is going to go into Frequency Oscilation, exactly like a Humbucking Pick-up on a Guitar and These
Former GODS are going to LAUNCH themselves straight through the sewers and find themselves, the NEW PARTS OF THE UNIVERSAL SEWER SYSTEM in the HELL of
Indifference, mathematically. HOW? I reversed everyones polarity, magnetically, over the last 40 years as a function of Universal Chemistry and GOD'S
AUTHORITY. They LAUNCH in any event, automatically. THAT is the TRUE End-Game Resolution.