posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 09:23 PM
I was never a proponent of the war to begin with, although I disagree with a few things asserted in the article.
As far as "defeat" goes, we won quite a while ago. Nuff said. As it stands now, the Iraqis can do what they please with the country. I never
cared much what happened there to begin with, but I suppose Washington did. I've heard many ideas on why, but that's really besides the point
America seems to have gotten fairly lazy, and by proxy America supports this war by a far larger margin than is put forth by the media and polls.
If we really cared about ending the war, we would do something about it, but honestly most people are either too apathetic, too scared, or too
invested to rock the boat, so they carry on and simply talk about how dreadful it all it.
Obviously the "anti-war" party (Dems) are full of it because they have done little to stem the war.
The Republicans have made their bed and now have to sleep in it, so they aren't much help either. Apparently saving face is better than correcting
As to the long term results of Iraq, no one can say at this point. It could go a number of ways, but none of those depends on America. It depends on
whether or not Iraq and it's people wish to join "reasoned" countries and play the game or continue to buck the system like Saddam did and get
nailed for it in the end... again.
You can't claim defeat with dollars, because this war really isn't that expensive (sure, less so than NO war). We easily waste that much money each
year on nonsense domestically.
Wasting money is what they do best. They'll find one way or another to do it.