posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 12:56 PM
hey guys, i know i don't have too much credibility being as i am a registered forum user as of only last night, but i was recently reading the Omega
Report and decided to make a post as to what was on my mind while reading.
i hope u find it informative and a good read. i would appreciate any feedback or criticisms. also please note that the omega report is a very good
read and i recommend it to anyone interested in the subject matter.
i asked WHY?! as the topic to this thread. it is kind of a general WHY?! with a few specifics, lol. i'm speaking in particular about the current
situation concerning humans by Greys, Reps, and Pleadians (and more?).
why are things the way they are? here are a few of my ideas. it was great for us to hunt and forrage when we were a young race, but as we got older
we developed SLAUGHTER HOUSES for mass production of food to feed the masses. well if speculation is correct and reps were here long before us, then
wouldn't they need a similar system to appease their appetite? if they really do exist on feeding from us (be the the plasma in our blood or
whatever) it would kind of make sense seeing as they are thought to have evolved while surviving on mammals for sustenance. is it possible we have
been manipulated by the reps thru the greys using our ignorance and naivity (as the younger, "dumber" races of creatures in the galaxy that we are
for now) to propogate (at least in small part) a giant slaughterhouse? i speculate maybe there are off-planet feeding stations in which we are grown
in order to feed their race. as for the greys, i dont think they eat humans, but i think the reptiles rely on them for their skills in manipulation
and control to get what they want from us unknowingly.
what do the greys get from the reptoids for their service in this matter? that's interesting to think about. the resources of the planet
2 more things i would ilke to touch on are "noah's arch" and the plaedians. ill begin with the latter.
i think the Pleads were generally good to us, and saw a lot of what they maybe once were in us. true they might have been taking from us but they
gave a lot back in the form of technology i believe. i think they too are either spiritual or realized that we were and used this to their benefit
(but in a very non-hurtful way). I BELIEVE THE REPTILES AND GRAYS HATE THIS. i think they do not have very spiritual existences and do not believe
in the soul. they are survival/technology based creatures and the thought of spirituality in general makes them sick ( at least in my opinion.)
this could possibly explain WHY?!... have the reptiles worked w/ the greys to control us as a food source thru our imaginations and spirituality (and
the manipulation of the aforementioned), in return allowing them to trick us into fortifyign our planet (using their technology) to ACTUALLY REPEL ANY
UNWANTED (by them) VISITS FROM THE PLEADIANS? do they see the Pleadians as a threat to them, and if possible they could enlighten us and take our
planet into their (our even OUR) control and expose them and their history?
just a thought, interested to see the responses.
peace guys (and gals)!