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Need Help with WTC1 collapse timeline

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posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 02:56 AM
While looking into other matters, I came across a problem that I can't figure out concerning the time line for the North Tower.

In the final report, NIST NCSTAR 1, on page 137/298 (of the PDF) Table 62 it states at 10:18 "Smoke suddenly expelled on the north face (floors 92, 94, 95 to 98) and west face (92, 94 to 98)." And also notice the time for the collapse is 10:28:22 which matches their time taken from TV broadcasts.

But then I was looking through the NIST NCSTAR 1-6 PDF and on page 238/470 Table 6-1 and the first thing I noticed is that they have published here 10:28:20 as the collapse time, which is 2 seconds sooner than their TV broadcast time (and they claim the TV broadcast number is within 1 second accuracy).

I also noticed that there is no event listed for 10:18 as in the other document, but there is one listed for 10:28:18 where they say pressure pulses pushed smoke and debris out of three faces (all except for the south side that the top rotated towards... is this significant? did they ever explain what these pulses were 4 seconds before the collapse began?)

I also noticed that they do mention 10:18 in the paragraph immediately before the Table. Is this a typo and it should actually read 10:28:18? I would have thought so, but their descriptions of what happened are different: they reference smoke coming out of totally different areas. But, also, in NIST NCSTAR 1 it can't be a typo because it's listed before the 10:23 event, which means it was actually moved in the order of events.

Then I looked at the pictures in Figure 6-7 (page 244/470 of NCSTAR 1-6) which were referenced in the table and it seems to confirm the 10:28:18 time.

So what's going on here? My first thought is that they may have altered it for the Final Report ("who's gonna read beyond this?") because they have no explanation for the "Pressure Pulses" right before collapse, but then my second thought was there's probably a logical explanation. Then my third thought was I have no idea what it would be.....

Link to NIST NCSTAR 1:

Link to NIST NCSTAR 1-6:

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 03:58 AM
Welcome to the real world, where the NIST report isn't worth the paper it is printed on.

There are other basic numerical errors in the NIST report. Good job, you've found another one.

Don't expect the believers to help you. They'll blink their eyes at ANOTHER mistake in their kool-aid story and not even think twice.

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by tezzajw

Thanks for the response tezzajw. But I think you've got it backwards... you should have said "Welcome to the un-real world of the NIST report" I'm pretty sure I was living in the real world up until I started looking into all of this.

But back to being serious, this has raised my suspicion meters quite a few notches. I'm wondering what's the reason they didn't post the following in the Final Report:

10:28:18 - Pressure pulses of smoke were pushed out the west face at its north edge and center; Smoke and debris clouds were pushed out the north, east, west faces at Floor 98; Fire came out windows on the north, east, west and south faces between Floors 92 to 98 and Floor 104

What was the cause of this event 4 seconds before collapse? Why did they change it to 10:18 for the Final Report and also change the description of what happened? Did this event have more to do with the collapse than the "inward bowing of perimeter columns" which occurred 5 minutes previously?

Just more questions....

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 10:49 PM
While searching for an explanation of this 10:28:18 event I came across another (yes another) timeline which confirms both this and the 10:18 times. It's included in NIST NCSTAR 1-6D, page 376/480. But the question still remains why didn't they include the 10:28:18 event in the final report? Was the 10:18 event really more significant than a similar event just 4 seconds before collapse? And what caused this 10:28:18 event?

I found this partial explanation in NIST NCSTAR 1-5 chap 1-8 PDF on page 72/392:

"A video showed that smoke was forced out of multiple west-face windows approximately two seconds before the collapse of WTC 1 began."

Not very informative. They don't explain how or why this smoke was "forced out" before the collapse began. They do give a half-hearted attempt to explain the 10:18 event but nothing for this one. What damage did this force cause? And was this the damage that "broke the camel's back" and started the collapse? (The south-face exterior columns had been bowing inward for 5 minutes up to this point.)

Also notice that this explanation only mentions smoke forced out of west-face windows, while 2 of the 3 timelines mention smoke AND DEBRIS out of the NORTH, EAST, and WEST walls on Floor 98.

Then the next sentence reads:

"As the tower collapsed, the resulting pressure increase pushed intense flames out of windows..." Yes, but where did the "pressure increase" come from to cause the 10:28:18 event? Shouldn't they have tried to explain this event, since it was before collapse initiation, rather than totally disregard it in the Final Report?

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 12:44 PM
Not exactly what you're looking for, but this exceptional open-source historical site attempts to maintain a running database of 9/11 information is a timeline format.

Page below links to the Post-9/11 Investigations

[edit] too long for hyperlink length here so you'll need to go to the main page and link under "Post 9-11 World" heading


[edit on 17-8-2009 by mmiichael]

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