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What was discussed at Energy Conference?

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posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 02:20 PM
Shortly after the Supreme Court appointed Bush/Cheney to reside in the White House, the Dick Cheney called a secret energy conference, to set the administration's energy policies. Who attended? We don't know because Cheney took it to court to block us from knowing. If they were just the main energy companies, there would be no surprise, but why would Cheney want us NOT to know?

OIL/energy is ALL that this administration is about. Just think about how 'oil' has been the star. The price per barrel has sky-rocketed, and the Administration never discusses conservation, and discourages (blocks) alternative energy development. Recently Bush tried to block any solar power development.

9/11 was well executed and the official conspiracy theory doesn't float, IMHO. We know that at that energy conference, a map of Iraq was laid out and the oil company's divided the oil well sites. What I'm wondering, and I've never heard anybody connect these dots, is...could they have planned the 9/11 attack? If so, that would be a good reason why Cheney doesn't want us to know who attended that meeting.

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