posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 08:49 AM
A couple months ago I found out that I no longer need to type in .com in the address bar while using Firefox and Safari, but with IE the .com is still
required. I thought that was really cool until I realized that when the website is misspelled, you are taken to Google, sometimes with the symbols #%
in the address bar. I thought that was strange and didn't really know what to think about it.
Last night I was at my brothers house and was telling him how Safari was faster and more secure than IE and explaining how the .com wasn't needed.
When I went to demonstrate, I was taken to a bad gateway and had to enter the .com. I thought they fixed it for some reason, but when I got home I
could still surf the net without entering .com.
So, I'm wondering if I got some spyware from Google that took over the address bar somehow and now all the websites I visit are now monitored by
Google? Wouldn't this most likely occur in IE than in FireFox and Safari because it's so much unsafer? Is this happening to anyone else?
[edit on 2-8-2008 by ben420]