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I cannot go on any longer.

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posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 03:59 AM
Like many, I find it really hard to believe that aliens don\'t exist, (whether the aliens we believe in are from where ever we think they are from or not.) I am not posting this for any kind of reply at all on this kind of topic, if anything I want the truth which is the hardest evidence ever taken from this planet\'s surface or beyond, but it is totally up to the viewers whether they want to repost thier hard evidence or not.) I don\'t care if it kills me (I won\'t be missed now will I, really, do you know who I am (no, it seems only a few people who barely know who I am even half realise it.) I\'m not mad, I\'m not even unhappy (which I know is really hard to believe.) I am getting old and old I shall be getting for the rest of my life whether the truth is revealed to me or not. But if somebody could actually say aliens don\'t exist that there\'s little to no chance of them visiting earth, how do you think that affects mankind? Do we just keep circling in history thinking what we think is right because the someone higher above us says so? Or just becuase there is no proof that it shouldn\'t be capable? We have the theories, we no doubt have seen the technology, whether it be interdimensional, other worldly or just plain weird.
So I say don\'t go on trying to disprove the facts that life as we know it can go far beyond what we think it can, do what seems to me that we do best, work as a team, one gathering of Team Earth vs. The Unknown. After all the only way to win is to the face the opposing team, only one team of earthlings trying to win thier right to know what is best for them. There is so much misunderstood comments, so many hidden facts, too many witnesses who have yet to witness the whole ordeal, lots of people who dont pay attention and many who simply just dont care.
What proof could you show me if you do want to reply (not that I need any I just want to back up my belief.) So if you will just read everything I have to say I hope that you realise, more then the truth is out there and it is about time we step up to the plate and take a swing at reality. \"Complaning isnt working, twiddling our thumbs isnt working, trying to contact through modern means isnt working... So maybe swinging for the fence will do it, maybe we should jumpstart a project that will put life on the moon, perhaps we could support our lives on mars. Maybe the oceans of Titan could be cleansed and support life for centuries, what if we made the aliens decide we are mature enough to maintain an economical relationship. Perhaps in the near future our world\'s government could clean their act up, stop attacking each other and work together to solve the riddle that has been riddling us, even if it involves bring civilian news crews into the depths of military bases. If there really was nothing to hide, what harm would be done, we are all on the same team, right?
There is alot of maturing to be done, we need to weed out the drugs, we need to settle down crime, above all we got to cure the acne of war poisoning our planet. \"Please dont say I am right or wrong, please just add what you feel I have missed, what you feel is above us, reasons why peace is neccesary. I don\'t honestly want answers, I just want to grow up and do so in a world full of success in it's self.)

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 04:09 AM
reply to post by goodsoul

Jesus buddy calm down. Learn patience it's a virtue. I'm pretty sure in your lifetime and possibly even very soon you will find many of these answers as most people can feel and sense that it is coming.
The rest of your new age hippy babble was a little dense for me to understand.

Mod Edit: Removed excessive quote.

[edit on 2-8-2008 by Gemwolf]

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 04:10 AM
All I know is what I've seen (and a few close buds) but that will never be enough. And what I did from the first alien ship I saw was read everything I could get my hands on.

John Keel is a good start (he said trying to find out what UFOS are can and do drive people mad) reading all the classic ufo books first is a good way to bleed into the current events.

Reading for enjoyment of the UFO mystery is best. Also throw a few regular fiction books into the mix with a few good comic books now and then (Marvel and DC) will keep you sane.

[edit on 2-8-2008 by RUFFREADY]

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 04:35 AM
Please forgive me, WHAT??????????!!!!!!!

I honestly have NOOOOOOOO idea what I just read.

Are you getting hungry? Do you like Cherry Garcia?


posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 04:36 AM
reply to post by RUFFREADY

Reading for enjoyment of the UFO mystery is best. Also throw a few regular fiction books into the mix with a few good comic books now and then (Marvel and DC) will keep you sane.

I agree!

Btw,I don't know if marvel and DC comics ensure someone's sanity but i sure do enjoy em.

Other than that,goodsoul,I too suggest patience like Fulcrum29 allready said.
We don't even know for a fact that aliens do or not exist and that's why we're here for.Share possible experiences,exhange opinions etc.
Other than that,if aliens do exist i highly doubt that they'd be humanity's no1 enemy.We ourselves are our worst enemy and i'm afraid that this wont change.So,your highest priority should be to enjoy life imho.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 04:38 AM
I don't have any proof but I am a firm believer there is much more intelligent life out there. We're on a piece of rock hurling through a space too big for us to comprehend or imagine. What happened here can happen elsewhere, it is such a big place.

What do we do to become able to discover any other life? We're not working together with a common goal to become space faring explorers, we're caught up in our own issues (and if there are none, someone will make up one) unable to solve them (except perhaps through violence). We use our natural resources for our own pleasures instead of using it to establish ourselves in space.

I am young but I doubt I'll see a world where humanity is united and peaceful instead of divided and in conflict with eachother. Based on history, it is much more likely I'll see more armed conflicts, famine and misery. Still, I have my hopes after all only a few generations ago it was considered normal to enslave other humans and sell them, there was more disease, people who believed differently got burnt or beheaded, or people had to walk for hours getting to work.

[edit on 2-8-2008 by Dragonfly79]

[edit on 2-8-2008 by Dragonfly79]

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 04:38 AM
reply to post by goodsoul

Holy hell, I think I had a stroke half way through your post.

Does anyone else see lightning?

You've got nothing if you don't have rhetoric.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 04:49 AM
"[W]e need to weed out the drugs"? Things regarding peoples views on chemicals always get my attention. You know prohibitions and laws and harsh penalties won't advance humanity, right? If you meant pharmaceuticals-- same thing, different legal status.

"[W]e need to settle down crime"? People need to settle down their own crime. What constitutes real crime is a very small number of actions. The rest are contrived out of wanting to control the minutae of others' lives "for their own good", "because I don't like what they do" or out of fearhate (sic). Fear of things is a sure way to create those things.

The self-governing person is the true answer here. Note that this isn't anarchy-- far from it.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 05:02 AM
I'm only trying to be funny. You attracted my attention and I'm interested but confused. You cannot go on because you know the truth or you cannot go on without knowing the truth? If people do not post the truth, it will kill you? You start by saying you do not want replies. But the rest of the post seems to state you want replies of proof of an alien agenda or replies of feelings? Do you want replies on alien, paranormal, ecology, planet colonization or a new world order?. Or our feelings on everything?

Your thoughts are jumping around, my friend and Hypno is dizzy.


posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 05:11 AM
Wait, or is it you are going to provide the information & "say" more?


posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 07:09 AM
Woah there! Work on the grammar buddy and people might give you a decent reply. Me on the other hand, i suggest seeing a counciler and sticking to spiderman comics. Alien hunting obviously isnt doing your mind any good!

If you already 'know' the truth or whatever and have a firm belief don't try and back it up on here, mostly you'll just get skeptics like me or loonatics who think they live in another dimension from us and are typing with their mind.

Heed my advice friend

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by goodsoul
What proof could you show me if you do want to reply (not that I need any I just want to back up my belief.)

Yeah...that's exactly the sort of thinking that fuels along the idea that UFO believers are all crackpots with overactive imaginations. Thanks for contributing.

And please consider that perhaps what the other posters have said is right -- maybe you should think about a break from the Alien-UFO world for a while. Try not watching the news either. Thinking too hard about where we COULD be as a species, dwelling on it even...that is gonna mess you up for the simple fact that the reality will never match up to imagination. We're a really screwed up species at the moment, we know it. Thinking about it too much will make your head explode (with fun technicolor graphics too). Vacations are good for you.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 11:23 AM
Phew! I'm drained!

I only managed to get half way through the Op's post and I completely ran out of steam.

To the Op:
It does seem like a few weeks away from the topic to gather your thoughts may be advisable. Then come back with some kind of structured post that employs seperate paragraphs dedicated to each thought/theory or whatever. It will certainly make it easier to digest!

My one question is, if you weren't writing this post for anyone to reply - why bother posting in the forum at all? It kind of leads one to believe there are other deeper issues going on there bud!



posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 08:00 AM
Hello goodsoul and all the others here,

I came into this thread because I like your name on here

Even though I just decided to not read your OP a second time, because it will probably confuse me more, than bring some clarity ...
I'll try and touch on a few of the points that you have made:

You wrote "I won\'t be missed now will I, really, do you know who I am".
I can say every 'goodsoul' on planet earth will be missed and it's not so much about that others do know who you are, it's your personal souls adventure to find out who you are!
I can absolutely not agree with the fact that so many people are spending time to look for truth, etc. 'out there' as I got the feeling the real stuff that is missing is 'within you'

Also you wrote "So I say don\'t go on trying to disprove the facts that life as we know it can go far beyond what we think it can, do what seems to me that we do best, work as a team, one gathering of Team Earth vs. The Unknown."

Aaaaeheeem ... This so called 'life as we know it' does not really exist. It's all an illusion (a creation made up mostly in our minds and experienced through a physical body) ... It's much more about the LIFE AS YOU (as a body, mind and (most important) good soul) LIVE AND EXPERIENCE IT. Then you know ...

And could it be that you miss some kind of 'Team Feeling' when you write about Team Earth?
Well, yes we are all here one kinda Team, sitting in the same boat/ship (methaphorically speaking) = 'Planet Earth' and in my humble opinion 'The Unknown' should always stay unknown .. otherwise it would have to get another name.

And another yes ... there's more then the truth out
A lot of lies, wars and seeking souls like here on ATS for example ... but also some good ones, who do find what they miss or at least not worry and bother about that fact bc they've got the inner peace, patience and calmness that everything falls into place.

So try to stay clean and peaceful yourself.
And if you ever feel agian you miss something ... just take ONE FURTHER STEP outside your door, take a deep breath and look above ... and you hopefully might find yourself gazing at a peaceful, clear blue sky (or star sparkling night heaven) and will not ask so often why?!

Much Love, Light, P's & all the good stuff!

PS: This is how the skies above look here today
But as some clouds do not make a thunderstorm ... a bit of roof (on the upper left corner) ... does not make an UFO.

Happy SUNday & Keep shining!

[edit on 3/8/2008 by guard]

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 11:07 AM
okay, this poster's writing/ramble really reminds me of the guy who posted a few weeks back about getting the signal from space. he and his 'staff' were in some lab in italy i think and got this alien 'whaaas uup?' signal. i am on my phone right now so it would take far to long to search for the thread (sorry). i will look for it when i get home. the op has a lot of similar qualitys to that guy. another thing, why post and then disappear? peiple do that a lot and it's annoying.

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by goodsoul

I cannot go on any longer.



posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 02:11 PM
i know how you feel.

to me its obvious the aliens are real,there everywhere throughout the universe,but obviously they are unwilling to reveal themselves to us.

i say we forget them,they are not that important,we are the masters of our own destiny,who needs em?.why are they so important to us?

they clearly see us as a genepool,animals out of control who arnt worthy of thier "higher" minds.

thus i prupose we show them what were made of,we unify towards a singular vision.we will evolve faster than they ever did at a similiar stage in thier evolution.there are a million untapped einstiens out there in third world countries,a million alexander graham bells,imagine if all humans fulfilled thier full potential,wed be 1000 years ahead of where we are now.
mankind must overcome his nature that causes us to fight his fellow man and seeks to waste thier lives in obtaining items of desire and lust, we must cease hostilities and join.
they seem to disprove of our behaviour towards earths ecosystem and they somehow blame us all for it when not all of us are responsible,there fore i suggest we all migrate to the stars,leave our little home behind so they can stop bitching about our behaviour.

man evolved on the deepest darkest african jungles,full of 10 foot lions and all sorts,our negative aspects such as violence and greed were vital to our survival,without it we would have been consumed as lion food.the human race were wittled down to a few hundred at one point,WE ARE A PRODUCT OF OUR EVOLUTION AMOUNGST DEADLY PREDATORS,it was kill or be killed.

now they seem to bitch that such behaviour is the hallmark of an unworthy species!!??,what do they want!!??,us to have never survived!!??.i agree we must learn to change our nature but it doesnt happen over night espescially WHEN WE HAVE THE SAME BRAINS THAT ALLOWED OUR SURVIVAL AMOUNGST VICIOUS ANIMALS INTENT UPON EATING US!!!.

so,lets all come together,build us a truely epic armada of spaceships and point our mast untoowards the heavens so they have no reason to complain,no future generations to think about,no ecosystems more important to them than us,out there its all us on a saga of discovery and unity.

we have the capability but were all bickering and fighting each other,im sure countries such as russia,china and usa have all kinds of advanced propulsion capable of intersteller travel,lets get it out there and get the whole world building together.

6 billion wheels,all turning for themselves or 6 billion cogs turning as one!?

let them have puny earth!!!,weve always been nomads anyway,its in our "genes".

starward ho!!

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