posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 06:06 PM
And there it is.
Authorities say the package was part of a scheme in which drugs are mailed to unknowing recipients and then intercepted.
I'm still scratching my head over this, as it was so obvious to me not even knowing this guy, that this was a huge possibility. Didn't the
authorities know about this type of scheme? I first heard about it 10 years ago.
There has to be more to the agression of this case. I have never heard of a case of a raid like this over one stinking box anywhere. Normally an
investigation would go on if a single incident raised eyebrows to ge more than the delivery of one box. Sheez in my City, you can report drug activity
at a house, take pictures of what is going on, give them tag numbers of people coming and going and it still takes them up to a year to act because
they "need" to do surveillance and investigations to catch the "next guy up the chain".
I really feel bad for this guy and his family and I hope someone has to answer for it. It also scares the ehy out of me because it has to make you
wonder if this weren't a public figure, would we even be hearing about it. This could have been anyone, due to the nature of this type of scheme.
[edit on 8/9/2008 by Relentless]
[edit on 8/9/2008 by Relentless]