I am working my way through Koinonia House's Genesis study by Dr Chuck Missler. There truly are secret codes within the Bible. There are many
sensationalist claims predicting the future etc. but there are some very legitimate ones as well. The Torah Code is the most basic and clear example.
So I made this little video. Thanks to Dr Chuck Missler.
Awesome work, Whammy. About a year ago I was studying the Torah codes and didn't want to take anyone else's word for it so I looked it up myself
manually. This is what I came up with. Thanks for the video.
wow, thanks for posting BigWhammy. Its pretty cool to see things like this every now and again. Maybe it has something to do with the order in which
you are supposed to read those books? You read Genesis, Exodis, Deuteronomy, Numbers and then Leviticus. lol Donno..... just something for me to
ponder upon
i think Newton believed there was a code, personally not sure. someone did a code and found "god is an abomination" so i think with a matrix of
letters anything is possible. Then again i'm as bright as an eclipse so i'm probably missing the mathematics.