posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 03:15 PM
Of course they are. In the upcoming Times magazine, leading the call for action is ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI, former national security advisor, and the guy
responsible for the formation of the trillateral commission (the people who decided our foreign policies during the 70's... a great success), and
rockerfeller flunky, and highly respected within the masonic community. I would not have caught on to his name if I wasn't reading a book that
specifically talked about his masonic connections... very strange coincidence indeed. But anyway, in the middle of his article discussing how to deal
with russia, he devotes a paragraph to how the canidates should press the issue with russia, and while listing their names, he puts in parentheses
beside Obama "whom I support", one would think almost casually, if not for the fact that his recommendations hold clout, considering he shaped
foreign policy throughout the 70's. So in short, yes they support him.