posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 10:43 AM
I do not understand how someone could murder another person over something like this. He got a BJ from a women who was actually a man. He thought he
was having a good time with a women the entire time. Well, to be upset is one thing but to murder is another all together. It sounds like the guy who
did the killing is not comfortable with his own sexuality. He had a sexual encounter with another man, most likely liked it, and when the truth came
out he freaked out and murdered his partner.
This one can be blamed on the killer as well as society. He has been told his entire life that he needs to be so manly that when something happened in
his life which goes totally against everything he was told to be true, he simply could not handle it.
He must have had a instant total mental and emotional breakdown as soon as he was told the truth. I think it would be a good idea to for society to
allow people freedom to explore and understand their own sexuality in order to avoid situations like this one. If this guy had not had `be a man` beat
into his head his entire life he would have been able to handle the situation much better.