posted on Mar, 13 2004 @ 01:04 AM
Mannnnn!!!!!! I just wrote a huge paragraph on this, and when I hit post, I was not allowed to view this forum. I guess it was moved during that
Anyway, real quick.
The Church was founded by the Romans as a place to worship their Gods. There are no scriptures claiming to Start a Church. Church in the Bible =
Pillar. From going to Catholic school for 12 yrs, there is a huge difference in what they teach from the bible, and actually studying the scriptures
and meaning of the Bible. If they believed in the word of the Bible, they would not have appointed an openly Gay Bishop! Oh yeah this was my reply to
Bible Thumpers!!!
As far as Sat Mass goes, at least at my church, it was more time to worship and gain more members due to the decline on Sundays. I know I did not want
to go to church on Sundays during Football season.
I do not eat meat on friday because of the teachings in the Bible, not the Catholic Church.