posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 06:18 AM
When confronted with people's predictions of war with China, I have often wondered how the government could possibly set it up and look legit. It
seemed that each situation I thought of would look too much like economic fear and not be able to get the public support necessary to undertake such a
Well, I need search no further. The practice version has emerged. How will we justify our conflict with China? Africa. The practice version being
Zimbabwe. The MSM version read like this: China is sending firearms and other armaments to the Zimbabwe, propping up a brutal, civil rights hating
dictator. Not a good thing if true, but also not enough to start what essentially will amount to a world war - even if they were doing it in a number
of African nations. So... what else? It is said that essentially out of pure greed, China is flooding Africa with super-cheap products (cheap via
sweatshop production of course) and subsequently destroying Africa's developing infrastructure and continental economy by way of this unfair
competition. I guess China is the reason Africa struggles economically now. As conditions in Africa continue to deteriorate, China will be pegged as
the cause, as well as being unwilling to put an end to it and thus, in order to save the people of Africa (feel free to interpret that as "save black
people, thus alleviating any reason for black Americans to cause anymore problems for the US government") we are going to have to stop the big bully
China from taking their lunch money. Hmmm....
This just in: for that same reason, China will be blamed for our economic woes as well?
Anyway, time to sit back and watch this unfold before our eyes and when it's almost to late to do anything about it, the American people will leap to
our feet and get another beer on a commercial break so we don't have to get up during the finale.