posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 12:04 AM
In my first marriage I had a brother-in-law who was/is a really heavy drug user. He is almost 60 and looks like some of your worst homeless drug
users, thin, bearded and scruffy (actually really rough, family says he looks really bad these days). He isn't homeless, lives with the ex, but I
haven't talked to them in years. This morning I had this really short dream that seemed very real and I woke up immediately after. In the dream I
was at the kitchen sink (doing dishes I presume) and the back door opened and it was the brother-in-law. He stepped in and had a look on his face that
was he was wondering if it was okay for him to be here. I turned to him and he broke into a huge smile and came over and hugged me.
That was it, just that simple thing but that isn't all. He was very young looking, and his face was clean shaven and full, rounder and very healthy
looking. I got the sense that he wanted to know if I was okay with bad feelings I guess, and he was relieved that I welcomed him. He hasn't
passed on but the family thinks that he has had a small stroke or something because he has changed a lot, more quiet-like.
Okay, did he have an OBE and I saw him in my dream state? Did I have some sort of premonition? Or was it just a dream for no other reason or perhaps
it was something else? I've had a lot of experiences but none like this one and am wondering what it could be.