posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 11:46 PM
I've been reading many topics on this site and more and more have I come across members saying.. "Why haven't aliens contacted the masses?" Well,
I believe I have a theory of why these advanced beings have not contacted us.
Reason One:
2% of the population controls most of the worlds money.
(Tycoons, leaders, sports players, business owners, etc..)
- Most of these people live in houses large enough to house more than 40 humans
Reason Two:
We spend most of that money on entertainment.
(Movies, television, music players, sports, etc..)
- What are we gonna show them? a HD Movie in 3D? A porn maybe?
Reason Three:
We are racist, violent, and we don't care if a human dies.
- These advanced beings teach love, and peace..
Reason Four:
There's enough food on this planet to hand it out for free, yet theres millions of humans who are starving.
- Just because they have a different color of skin, doesnt mean they aren't human.
Reason Five:
Most humans used to, or still do drugs and drink alcohol.
- They probably think we're all troubled or have problems.
Reason Six:
We're constantly polluting..
- There probably scared of our air.
Reason Seven:
The people who do the most work, get paid the least.
- Middle class and lower.
Reason Eight:
Our schools teach us information we don't need to know.
- They probably think we're assimilating eachother.
Reason Nine:
We're paying people to hide things from us.
(Government, NSA, CIA, FBI, etc..)
- They probably think we deserve better.
Reason Ten:
We have so many weapons of mass destruction, it isnt' even funny.
(N.O.R.A.D., S.H.I.E.L.D., nukes, thermal bombs, etc..)
- These weapons could destroy this planet in a matter of seconds.
I could go on for hours, but i'll let you guys do the talking..