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Magnitude 5.4 quake hits SoCal

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posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 10:44 PM
A cousin of mine from the east coast wrote me asking if I felt this earthquake. I let her know that it was pretty far away from us here in the SF bay area. However, there were reports that it was felt as far away as Las Vegas.

This is an article from the LA times. Along with other information on the page.
Ho, hum, another not-the-Big-One

Here is more video footage about the quake. There's about three pages worth.
Strong earthquake shakes Southland

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 10:48 PM
5.4? Be close enough to that one, and it'll rearrange the china nicely...

Earthquakes are just about the scariest thing I've ever encountered, you can't run, you can't hide, all you can do is get outside and hope the city doesn't fall on you...

Scarey stuff.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by seagull

A 7.1 is even scarier! That's all I could do is get myself out the house when the Loma Prieta hit...took me awhile to get outside though because I had a hard time getting the key in the door from all my shaking.

I'd like to make a note, and I don't know if this could be related or not, but I've read about geysers acting up before a large quake strikes. I checked on this USGS NEIC list and saw that Yellowstone had several little tremors. However, they were a little north west of Old Faithful (Wyoming). This is an article about the Old Faithful in California.

From two days to two weeks prior to an earthquake, the Old Faithful Geyser of California gives warning by delaying its regular performance from the average thirty minutes to a longer interval. During this prolonged interval, it may send up "splits," small eruptions to no more than two or three feet in height, every few minutes. Finally, after the long delay, a 60-foot column of water and steam shoots upward.

The Geyser will return to its normal pattern unless interrupted by further tectonic stresses. Several scientists have studied the Geyser and one scientist has set up an infrared heat detector nearby. When the Geyser erupts, the detector is activated and information is relayed into an office where a taped printout automatically records all the eruptions day and night. The scientists then can use such information to determine whether or not Old Faithful's digressions from normal behavior correlate with the advent of an earthquake, and records are kept for future comparisons. The earthquake activity is not located at the Geyser, but within 500 miles or more from the area.

I wonder how both Old Faithfuls were acting prior to this quake today.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by DearWife

I lived and worked in Alaska for a good 15 years, mostly out in the Aleutians, and I lost count of the number of earthquakes I felt. The Adak earthquake was the scariest one I had to live through. Demolished a good portion of the island, and tsunami alerts all over coastal Alaska.

The one redeeming thing about the tsunami alerts are the tsunami parties...seriously epic in nature, and the quantities of booze consumed. They are a bit hairy the first couple of times, but afterthat, it's get to high ground (which in the aluetians is problematic :lol
, and start looking for the party...

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by seagull
reply to post by DearWife

I lived and worked in Alaska for a good 15 years, mostly out in the Aleutians, and I lost count of the number of earthquakes I felt. The Adak earthquake was the scariest one I had to live through. Demolished a good portion of the island, and tsunami alerts all over coastal Alaska.

The one redeeming thing about the tsunami alerts are the tsunami parties...seriously epic in nature, and the quantities of booze consumed. They are a bit hairy the first couple of times, but afterthat, it's get to high ground (which in the aluetians is problematic :lol
, and start looking for the party...

Yikes! Was that the 8.6 earthquake in March 1957?

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