posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 12:22 PM
We can expect two things:
1. The truth movement will tout this as absolute proof of every single point they make.
2. The media-minded mass will flail their necks and heads in violent spasms denying what they just heard as conspiracy fodder from the nuts in the
truth movement...again.
But what truly needs to happen, and I submit, what would have happened - 100, 50 even 30 years ago, is a complete bankruptcy of the mainstream media
establishment caused from massive boycotts of their programs.
Of course, that's assuming they aren't being held up solely by government money already, and that ratings mean nothing to them, as that's
not their "job", and that there might already be an ill-impactful boycott underway.
Every time I see something like this, I am continually astonished at the numbing-down of this country as well as the fact that some movies, such as V
for Vendetta, were ever allowed to be published and shown across the globe.
Oh (insert hearty laugh), but those are just movies.