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What it would take for people to consider it a fact.

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posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 10:06 AM
I was thinking about this the other day. Pretty much every single piece of evidence that we have related to UFO's has a huge "problem." We have confirmed the existance of dinosaurs, ancient civilizations, and all sorts of things. We have found physical evidence of these listed things in their rightful habitat,place, or surroundings. Pretty much every single piece of proof we have of UFO's has the human touch. When we have the video evidence, the photographs, and the documents. They are all manipulated by humans. They all have the critical error of human manipulation. When we confirm the existance of things we find proof of them.

Although the proof that we have existing is, sometimes, really excellent proof. It all can be easily excused by a critic for having that human touch. A critic could just have the easy excuse as a hoax. It's very easy for people to hoax things like documents, videos, pictures, and recordings. Even if you have a expert say such proof, is indeed, not a fake at all. For example, if I was standing right next to a ET and we were drinking a beer inside of his flying saucer. And I just so happen to bring a camera and a video camera and take these recordings at the time. These pictures and vidoe could be one hundred percent real and I could sent them to anyone in the world. I could have him fly me to his home planet and record his entire city an family. I could record and document all the foreign technoligy. And it will STILL would not be good enough proof for the critics, or even the government.

The proof that I think would be even better then such excellent documentation as above, would probably be old ruins, or a dusty old space craft. Dug out of the ground by people who aren't even searching for et's. I believe it would have to be something the same thing as Roman ruins, or fossils. Not alot of people deny the existance of Romans, or dinosaurs. Simply because of the sort of proof that we have found. And that's the EXACT proof that it would take for people to take the existence of life beyone Earth seriously. Think about how easy it would be to deny the existance of dinosaurs, without what we have found. I mean gigantic reptiles, armored to the teet, and mean as hell, but not alot of people deny them!It's just as logical to believe in dinosaurs as it is aliens though!

Although we probably have proof of aliens like this that are hidden. That's what I think that it would take for the "average joe" to take it seriously. Just a thought that I was having. I'm not a huge ufo guy, or anything. Sharpen the point, discuss it, whatever!

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 10:09 AM
There are some people that are so afraid of considering the possibility that even if they were abducted and in the process of being "probed" they would still think it was rediculous and claim that the aliens were government agents in costumes trying to fool them.

That is just how blind some are.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by NephraTari
There are some people that are so afraid of considering the possibility that even if they were abducted and in the process of being "probed" they would still think it was rediculous and claim that the aliens were government agents in costumes trying to fool them.

That is just how blind some are.

I just don't get why people refuse to consider the fact. Why is it such a big deal that there is life beyond Earth? Ever since I was a child I just naturally never doubted the fact that there was life beyond Earth. Why is it so scary that it's a possiblity? Whats the big deal to people?

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by USMC-oorah

I am not so sure that they are scared of the idea as much as scared of what people will think of them if they know that they consider the possibility real.
Society has people well trained to fear ridicule. No one wants to be labeled a nut or crazy. People want to be accepted. Society also trains people to do that ridiculing of anyone that believes in things that are not accepted openly by the scientific community and society as a whole
If it goes against the norm they want it ridiculed and they want people to fear that ridicule so that they stay asleep. and unaware.

It is very sad and wrong. And to be honest.. it pisses me off a lot! can I say that?

Mods please dont spank me.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 10:26 AM
I don't think many people question the likelihood of there being alien life out there. The question is over the likelihood of any intelligent alien life undergoing parallel evolution to homo sapiens, coming from a planet virtually the same as Earth in terms of size, sun it orbits, chemical composition, atmosphere etc, having similar form of technology to ourselves, being at a similar (within say 200 years) level of technological advancement as ourselves and coincidently just happening to visit Earth right now - rather than any other time in the past 3,500,000,000 years there's been life - but no humans - on the planet.

If 8 legged, 7 eyed, silicon based slugs that require 19 times the gravity found on Earth and who breathe a silver iodide compound, were visiting Earth using carbon derived living spacecraft that can travel through 9 dimensions, then I'd be more willing to believe it.

[edit on 29-7-2008 by Essan]

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 10:28 AM
With all the movies and books and TV shows and video games etc, some people look at that as some form of disclosure while others see it as fantasy and therefore take the whole ET thing as an extension of an active imagination, and there for don't take the possibility seriously.

As far as proof, well that is a very touchy subject. Some believe we have the proof, All be it not concrete proof or that the public has access to it anyway. There are so many possible reasons why we have no real proof. Either it’s a giant cover up or the little gray guys, reptilian etc. Just simply don’t think we are ready or maybe even the Governments don’t think we are ready.
I know that I am ready but is the world as a whole ready? We kill each other over the stupidest things so now you add in an Alien presence that just complicates the world issues even more say for example they favor dealing with the more technologically advanced nations because we are closer in our technological understanding to theirs that could cause some very large problems with poorer less educated societies and may cause further conflict and instability because those countries may feel that we are selling them out or leaving them out etc.

I guess the only real proof would be like you said some geologist or archeologist coming across some alien ruins in the Andes or Himalayas or digging up a saucer, or the good old fashion landing on the white house lawn or Wrigley field in broad day light.

That day may still come but until then we have to marshal our basic sciences for the task, and do some good old fashion detective work to try and solve this mystery.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by NephraTari
There are some people that are so afraid of considering the possibility...That is just how blind some are.

Just as "believers" the supposedly "open-minded" are afraid of the possibility that it is just us, all alone in the dark? And yes, if you will not accept the possibility there is no extraterrestrial visitation of the Earth, you are limiting possibilities.

Why can the "believers" limit possibilities, but will not afford skeptics the same luxury, then attack them for it?

There is nothing wrong with limiting possibilities, as long as there is a solid foundation, supported by the facts. Limiting possibilities helps narrow our focus, channeling us towards the truth.

Originally posted by NephraTari
claim that the aliens were government agents in costumes trying to fool them.

Who in the world claims this? It is certainly not skeptics.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 10:44 AM
SaviorComplex. That's a very good point. And a very well needed contrast to the usual.

[edit on 29-7-2008 by USMC-oorah]

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by USMC-oorah
I just don't get why people refuse to consider the fact. Why is it such a big deal that there is life beyond Earth...?

You are confusing a disbelief of extraterrestrial visitation with a disbelief in extraterrestrials. You will find the vast majority of the public, from layman to scientist believes we are not alone in the universe.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by SaviorComplex

Originally posted by USMC-oorah
I just don't get why people refuse to consider the fact. Why is it such a big deal that there is life beyond Earth...?

You are confusing a disbelief of extraterrestrial visitation with a disbelief in extraterrestrials. You will find the vast majority of the public, from layman to scientist believes we are not alone in the universe.

I know alot of people who refust to believe in anything of the sort. That's half the reason I posted this. Just my belief in what it would take for it to be believed. I think that people still consider it a very illogical thing.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 11:03 AM
I would take a clear video or picture that stands up to all scrutiny. Or an actual incident that I witness myself.

Nephra why do you think people are scared?

Are you scared of the Easter Bunny?

There's being open-minded, and there's indulging blindly into something because you think it's "cool". You want sooo hard to be considered a "sheep" that you lust over the idea of aliens and being anti-goverment.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by Hamlin

Like I said in my follow up. I don't think they are scared of the beings but of how they will be treated if they admit the possibility because of the way society treats the phenomenon and those who claim to have experiences of this nature.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by USMC-oorah
I just don't get why people refuse to consider the fact. Why is it such a big deal that there is life beyond Earth? Ever since I was a child I just naturally never doubted the fact that there was life beyond Earth. Why is it so scary that it's a possiblity? Whats the big deal to people?

There's a huge difference between believing that there is life beyond Earth and believing that this extraterrestrial life has for decades been flying around in physics-defying craft creating light shows over populated areas and abducting random people in their bedrooms and cars. I find it hard to believe that they have anything to do with each other.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by scowl

You may find it hard to believe but ancient artifacts do not lie.
There are Hieroglyphics at the temple in Abydos that depict modern aircraft and UFO's. There are statues thousands of years old that depict reptillian humanoids known by those who worshipped them as the Annunaki in ancient Mesopatamia.
I could go on and on but more recently you have the crash at Roswell that despite the cover up was in fact real and Greys were recoverd from the reckage, now of course this is where abductions came into play. An agreement was struck in which the government allowed testing on US citizens with human supervision present in exchange for saucer technology among other things.
This would be why Travis Walton reported humans being present when he recalled his abduction and yes he is the one the movie was based on "fire in the sky" He and all of that were present the night he was taken passed a lie detecter test more than once when questioned about the incident.

Its time to wake up. Greys are real. Although exactly what their origin is.. remains unknown. They may in fact be from our world, another planet or even another dimension. We do not know that as of yet. Just that they exist.

So yes 90% or so of the Saucer sightings are manmade.. we do possess that technology now and have for some time.. however the others remain unexplained.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 11:51 AM
the debate still continues some 60 years after roswell.

Assuming that im up to date on the subject i find that the majority of the human populous is at a mental stand still, those who believe will believe, and those who remain inclined to belive but still need more evidence (polite way of saying skeptic) are at a stand still as well. seems to me that most people want to just be accepted as an adult who is able to make their own conclusions in due time, trying to convince others one way or another is a loosing battle in some respects.

for me to believe i had to go beyond just ufo sightings, i delved into crop circles, cattle mutilations and the all too mysterious abduction cases (which have an eerie similarity in most cases)

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 11:58 AM
I remember old X Files episodes too, where people were regressed and said they saw blue-uniformed military officers in the room with the aliens. That was fiction, but I guess it's entirely possible.

Deep down I believe humans are not the only sentient beings in the universe. But I have a hard time believing in 3D "aliens." I believe they either reside as some say, "the worlds between worlds" or the "dimensions between dimensions" rather than in 3D.

I won't be a 100% believer though until I have my own experience. Not for the lack of trying, but absolutely nothing other than dreams have I experienced anything "out of this world." I have so many questions to ask, so much I'd like to learn. I want to ride in a ship, whether it's etheric or "real" and see other galaxies, planets and stars. The cosmos is really beautiful.

I also sense there are many types of sentient beings out there that are watching us. Some see us purely as entertainment, some are interested in positive growth for all humans, and some are only interested in their own gains. I sense many are doing the equivalent of us curling up on a couch with some popcorn to watch a movie. More are gathering all the time, like families gathering to watch fireworks... waiting for the big show to start.

What the big show is, I do not pretend to understand. But something will happen. I sense anticipation all around.

No single piece of evidence will make all humans "believe." They will all have to have their own experiences.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by NephraTari
There are Hieroglyphics at the temple in Abydos that depict modern aircraft and UFO's.

No, they don't. They just appear that way.

In reality, they are what archaeologists refer to as palimpsest, heiroglyphs that were carved over with other heiroglyphs. This was a very common practice in Egypt. In the case of the heiroglyphs in question as Abydos, it may have been done more than once.

Here, you can see how what appear to be UFOs and airplanes are actually the combination of several hieroglyphs.

Those claiming the Abydos glyphs are airplanes, UFO or other such nonsense show the glyphs, they do not show the glyphs in their full context. In the full context, the sudden inclusion would make absolutely no sense. As you can see here, those supposed airplanes and UFOs are part of a much longer text.

If the ancient Egyptians possessed aircraft or had knowledge of flying ships, it would bear out in the literature, and references to such would not be confined to one set of glyphs. If you believe that the Abydos glyphs are aircraft or UFOs, doesn't it strike you as odd they only appear in one place?

Originally posted by NephraTari
There are statues thousands of years old that depict reptillian humanoids known by those who worshipped them as the Annunaki in ancient Mesopatamia.

Could you please show us these supposed statues?

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