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Are robots already living among us?

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posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 05:52 PM
Lately I've been noticing more and more people behaving strangely. For lack of a better word, they act glitchy. They make lots of jerky motions, avoid eye contact, repeat words, speak in a monotone, etc. I don't exactly feel like they're hostile just very distant like they have something secret going on.

I used to think these were probably Monarch mindkontrol victims and some of them may be but this weekend I heard a rumor about robots. Everyone knows that Da Vinci sketched some plans for lifesized automata in his notes, and that these notes were stolen and re-stolen by European powers in the years leading up to World War I. The problem was always that even though the automata could simulate human speech and movement the technology just wasn't there to make them look human enough to blend in.

I read somewhere a long time ago, I thought it was on ATS but can't find the thread, that in the hundreds of miles of weird twisting tunnels beneath Malta (where the Knights Templar once had their homebase, and they also experimented with robots) people would sometimes encounter weird shambling humanoids made of metal and powered by gears.

So now that we have the technology to make very realisitic looking skin, what if they are beginning to take these robots and encase them in lifelike flesh and introduce them into the general public? Are we slowly being replaced by "new and improved" robots?

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by When the Spaceship Lands

i guess i dont get the point of why

if they are living among us and making glitches and repeating words and acting weird, why would they be sent out to live among us

so advanced to make robots who look just like us yet we cant even solve problems that are of real concern?

just alot of science fiction if you ask me

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 06:26 PM
Incorrect. Da Vinci created several intricate clockworks, but no robots as we'd think of them. If you want to claim that they existed during the Crusades, the much more advanced Arabs would be more likely to have some sort of automata--but even there, there's no record of such devices ever being used as anything but idle amusements.
Next time you see one of these people, talk to him--it's quite likely that he has Asperger's Syndrome or Autism, increasingly common disorders which include all of the behaviors described above. It's believed to be caused by prenatal mercury exposure, and Autistic parents are also very likely to have Autistic babies regardless of other circumstances. There's a popular CT that it's caused by mercury in vaccines, but plenty of Autists weren't vaccinated for just this reason and developed the disorder anyway.
You do raise an interesting possibility--that it's part of a secret mind control project--but one that doesn't really hold much water. In fact, people with these disorders are highly resistant to known forms of mind control, and so many of them get MRI, CAT, and other scans done on their brains that a Delgado-style chip would be impossible to conceal.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by MurderCityDevil

if they are living among us and making glitches and repeating words and acting weird, why would they be sent out to live among us

so advanced to make robots who look just like us yet we cant even solve problems that are of real concern?

Well the technology is imperfect. All technology is and nothing succeeds as planned. But most people wouldn't be obesrvant enough to notice these glitches unless they were looking, unless they had additional information to go on.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by Makoto

ncorrect. Da Vinci created several intricate clockworks, but no robots as we'd think of them. If you want to claim that they existed during the Crusades, the much more advanced Arabs would be more likely to have some sort of automata--but even there, there's no record of such devices ever being used as anything but idle amusements.

Yes yes, you bring up a salient objection. These were originally conceived as entertainments for the idle classes. But consider how *advanced* even the public output of automata was--Vaucanson's ducks still can bedazzle us to this day. Now consider that the idea was appropriated by military industrial complexes, by the bankers and by other invisible powers and think of what was done behind the scenes. Think of the advances made before the first World War and imagine what the Nazi scientists could have done with the existing prototypes.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 08:41 PM
But think of what modern robots are capable of--groups all over the world have been working on creating a robot that can pass as human for decades, and the most advanced, one-of-a-kind models can only maintain a realistic conversation for a few minutes before the illusion fails.
Additionally, artificial skin still can't be mass-produced yet--to say nothing of the other external features that are needed for a convincing faux human, like realistic, expressive eyes--so the only way to effectively "replace" people on anything like the scale you're worried about would be to literally gut them like fish and stick robots in their original skins--which would present a whole new set of problems after a few weeks when they start to rot.
Basically, at this point a robot is really only effective when handling quantifiable variables and performing precise, repetitive tasks. In other words, they make excellent laborers, and theoretically they could be used as soldiers once we iron the kinks out of the existing prototypes, but it'll likely be a decade or two before we see robotic infiltrators.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 08:49 PM
The strange symptoms you described sound like something someone with asperger's would act like. I dont have much personal experience, though, but thinking they are robots is a bit extreme...


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