posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 06:41 AM
Originally posted by TKainZero
So, your answer on how to create a 'Free Tibet' would be to get enough countries to ask China nicely to make tibet a 'free' state? And threaten
them with sanctions?
yes, that's one answer. If there were REAL sanctions imposed, like no imports/exports to or from China by the EU and NAU (oops, I mean Canada and
USA) would severely cripple their economy and could induce pressure, especially if the solution was toleration, opposed to changing a socio-economic
structure or military action.
I'm not naive either - I realize such sanctions would end up killing plenty of people too that depend on the US - and that it would cripple everyone
imposing the sanctions, since we all import everything from China these days... but then that goes back to the OP talking about action that stops at a
bumper sticker. If everyone was willing to be inconvenienced to take such action, it would have a better chance of working than imposing an
aggressive military operation in attempts to create freedom, lol. Such an orwellian concept.
I think this goes back again to the OP discussing "uber' liberals. What the OP was really talking about are extremists - those that polarize
themselves and everyone else on issues.