posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 08:19 PM
Thank you both, this looks doable (is that a word? LOL). Right now I am exhausted from canning 49 quarts of green beans, we think we still got 21
more to go, (to break and wash and can, lotsa of work) so I still got to break those and wash more jars, their clean, but I always wash them again
before using.
We canned them in an old wash tub outside, digging a hole for the fire, fortuntely we have a gravel driveway, so we do not have to worry as much about
the fire getting out especially since it rained, and sitting the tub up on blocks, we then wrapped each jar in dish rags and towels, packing them
tightly in the tub, if you don't, once they get cooked the jars will float to the top and bang against one another and break. So far doing two tubs
full and one canner on the stove and I have been lucky enough not to lose a single jar, they all sealed.
We still have another patch of green beans coming on in about a month, so we should have plenty of green beans of course we end up giving a case or
two to our kids. I am worried about the food shortage and so we are trying to can everything we can.
We are considering buying some chickens, so we can have our own eggs and chicken to eat, if we can't afford it at the store and maybe some rabbits
for a meat supply and perhaps some goats, for milk, plus we can sell them, this raising food to turn it into fuel was a great idea, but it has cut
into the food supply drastically, I don't know why people think we are immune to the starvation here, that has happened all over the world, it could
happen here.
I think people think that our government has a surplus and will be able to feed us, but after seeing the governments reaction to the Katrina crisis, I
am not counting on anyone, but me and hubby and the family in any crisis.