posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 01:01 AM
I dont put labels on good and evil, it is what it is. I say this, because if a man never got biased by dogmatic exposure, he may think an alien is an
angel, therefore, one in the know of angelic beings, thinking they know what they are, may think an alien is a demon when really they could be an
angel, but how does one discern, does an angel always come with good news and good feelings? Abort expectation and utilize intuition and rationality.
Does a demon always come with bad? I think it is safe to say demons may be deceiving, so perhaps they will come in an angelic form, in which case,
no one can be sure of anything.
So, I say, leave it what it is and be skeptical of all of the beings and entities.
As for me, my opinion is that evil is only as evil as you let it be to your perception, one may see an earth killing asteroid as evil, when really its
just the nature of the reality, perhaps, the point is to rise above such nomenclature as good and evil, and seek the true nature of this experience
which I think it safe to say is, understanding.
Think about it, you have Jesus and Satan, both teach one of gods goodness in the long run, time being relative to perception, all figure it out in no
time, one can learn the easy way or the hard way, so the only difference is our own perceived sufferings in the meantime.
Of course this conversation could go on for eons with all the different rules and regulations of varying dogma, so really, when a being speaks to me,
I look at it like any interaction, one with my self, or one with a friend, or even an acquaintance, if a demon comes to talk to me, what should one
do, run and hide and be fearful, or just BE and speak with them, perhaps learning a bit more about the nature of reality, same as if an angelic being
communicates with me.
As for the original question, who believes, I do, I believe in many beings not classically acknowledged, I refuse to label them evil or good, they are
what they are, a combination of both which rock me from such feeble foundations of duality. I have had personal experiences with entities, I cant say
where they may originate from, (of course there is always hypothesis) except from the same singular source of any experience or creation; basically I
know as much about their origin as I do about our own.