posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 07:50 PM
This could be nothing more than a dream, but i would like your opinion, and maybe find out whether other people have had a similar dream. I also do
not known what to believe, as this is the first time in a while i have had such a dream.
The dream starts with me in my room, trying to sleep, after a long absence of it. I start feeling nervous, afraid, and thinking something is going to
I was about to fall asleep, and that's when it happened. I closed my eyes, and a vivid red image of a grey alien came into my head. I immediatly woke
up, and went downstairs, in a mix of terror, scare, and daze. My mom came to me and wanted to know what is wrong, im not sure but i think my mom came
into my room after i woke up, don't quite remember, which is strange as i JUST had the dream. Here is the strange part. When i was going to go back
upstairs, i saw a probe, on the steps, going up. I walked up, and there, i saw 2 Greys, one in my parents room doorway, and the other coming from the
hallway. They started by grabbing my hand, or was it more, a king of greeting. I initially pulled it back, but then decided to let the grey touch my
hand, and then, when i reached out to shake his hand, i got a surprising hand gesture, kind of what friends do after knowing each other for a while. A
kind of , what's up? maybe?
From there we talked a bit, and now for some reason i do not remember what we talked about..... which doesn't make sense, as i just had this dream. I
know that the dream wasn't long, and that we talked about normal random stuff, that i remember. The aliens looked alot like was described, without
them wearing the big helmet and space suit. They looked alot like the ones in the movie "Fire In the Sky", for a reference. There was an older alien
by my parent's room doorway, and a younger one to the right near the stair bar.
The only thing that was a little out of character was that they talked and not telepathically , though there could be a reason for that, either the
red flash image was a test to see how i react, and then seeing as i freaked out, they resorted to down to earth communication, or it was just a dream
and that would explain the earthly tone as well.
I am going to be 100 percent honest, i cannot tell you what it means, if it had a meaning, but it was very strange. I right now feel like this dream
was a little more than a mere fantasy, but we shall see.
Anyways, your thoughts, and if maybe people have had similar experiences.