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dream about greys

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posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 07:50 PM
This could be nothing more than a dream, but i would like your opinion, and maybe find out whether other people have had a similar dream. I also do not known what to believe, as this is the first time in a while i have had such a dream.

The dream starts with me in my room, trying to sleep, after a long absence of it. I start feeling nervous, afraid, and thinking something is going to happen.

I was about to fall asleep, and that's when it happened. I closed my eyes, and a vivid red image of a grey alien came into my head. I immediatly woke up, and went downstairs, in a mix of terror, scare, and daze. My mom came to me and wanted to know what is wrong, im not sure but i think my mom came into my room after i woke up, don't quite remember, which is strange as i JUST had the dream. Here is the strange part. When i was going to go back upstairs, i saw a probe, on the steps, going up. I walked up, and there, i saw 2 Greys, one in my parents room doorway, and the other coming from the hallway. They started by grabbing my hand, or was it more, a king of greeting. I initially pulled it back, but then decided to let the grey touch my hand, and then, when i reached out to shake his hand, i got a surprising hand gesture, kind of what friends do after knowing each other for a while. A kind of , what's up? maybe?

From there we talked a bit, and now for some reason i do not remember what we talked about..... which doesn't make sense, as i just had this dream. I know that the dream wasn't long, and that we talked about normal random stuff, that i remember. The aliens looked alot like was described, without them wearing the big helmet and space suit. They looked alot like the ones in the movie "Fire In the Sky", for a reference. There was an older alien by my parent's room doorway, and a younger one to the right near the stair bar.

The only thing that was a little out of character was that they talked and not telepathically , though there could be a reason for that, either the red flash image was a test to see how i react, and then seeing as i freaked out, they resorted to down to earth communication, or it was just a dream and that would explain the earthly tone as well.

I am going to be 100 percent honest, i cannot tell you what it means, if it had a meaning, but it was very strange. I right now feel like this dream was a little more than a mere fantasy, but we shall see.

Anyways, your thoughts, and if maybe people have had similar experiences.


posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by HanyouSpirit
This could be nothing more than a dream, but i would like your opinion, and maybe find out whether other people have had a similar dream. I also do not known what to believe, as this is the first time in a while i have had such a dream.

First of all, I just got to say this. People, pay attention to what's beeing said by the poster here. Your opinion on the matter is wanted, and not the usual harassment of personal experiences we can find a lot of in similar threads like this. Just a reminder, let's be civilized!

No back to topic!

Interesting dream your describing there. I've ha dreams about aliens sometimes, if they are trying to tell me something I don't know, and at this time I've forgotten all details about them. Perhaps because I guess I only dreams about such things considering my huge interest in subjects like this.

Anyway. I find yor dream somehow interesting, althou it all could just be like you said; nothing more them a dream.
Personally I do believe in people dreaming sertan things for spesific reasons, but I'm not the one to interprete them to figure out any hidden "messages". Hope someone else can give you any good answers.

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 08:12 PM
What is also interesting to note, is that i also had this dream about disclosure, i was in this giant dome with alot of people, and had my laptop to the left, and yea, the dream lasted for a very short time, so we didn't even get to the announcement. I was talking to my parents, and next thing you know, i wake up.

I have to say though, alot of weird stuff has happened. My body has felt different ever since my first AP, or "AP Attempt".

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 10:51 PM
i am sorry for the double post.

but i really would like know what other people think, and if anyone else here has had experiences like this? As i am sure some of you have, so please share.

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 11:38 PM
Dreaming of aliens, or communicating with them seem to be a fairly common occurance and warrant their own "dream symbol" status. Of course, I'm of two-minds on this. But for the sake of argument. Here's an example of what this could presage:

Occasionally, people will have dreams about UFO's and aliens. What these dreams symbolize, collectively or individually is difficult to explain and understand. Meeting and talking to aliens may suggests that significant changes are coming into your life and, at the moment, things feel strange and foreign to you. If you dream that you are the alien, it suggests that you may feel detached from some parts of yourself and from others. You may be a stranger in your immediate surroundings, and some self-evaluation and familiarization is suggested.


That being said, I personally believe that dream symbology is about as vague and skewed as you can get.

I haven't personally had any of these dreams, so I cannot say that I understand. But you mentioned a lingering "feeling" that transcends the dream, which I find interesting. Ultimately perhaps, there will be no-way of knowing. But I wouldn't dispel the notion entirely

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 11:52 PM
That's it, if it weren't for the feelings i had before and after, i would not have suspected much at all.

Sure, ive had feelings after a bad dream, and when i was very young and more susceptible i was scared of everything XD.

Saying that, i can feel strongly that this is different, and the dream before it with the disclosure inside a giant dome.

I guess it's just a matter of time before i find out for myself what this dream means, if anything at all.

One question i have about this is, i was completely aware and able in this dream, so that makes it lucid dreaming right?

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