posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 12:53 PM
I read through threads and see people talking 'eating out' and have not seen a 'how to make a snare' post yet.
So I made this very rough and ready thread just so people have the basics down, and will be able to actually catch some thing out in the wilds!
Making a snare. Use a good steel wire for this, as its rigid enough to stay in shape, and can really take a beating from an animal trying to
This next image is how to set your snare. #NOTE# Always always make sure you have mapped out your snare locations and remember their locations. Check
twice a day. Morning and eveninmg is best. Night time too.
Stabilise the snare with twigs or small sticks, and attach it strongly to your location, I use paracord for my sets. Takes a beating and its strain /
breakage limit is 250 Kg.
Use nature to your advantage. Find areas that look well travelled by rabbits ect, and use terrain features such as gaps in hedges to place a snare.
The animals have no choice but to travel through these areas just as we would have to, so, set it there and wait.
Please let me say this. Snares are a survival skill. They are intended for you to be able to catch and eat your prey. I despise people who do not take
care over their snares and don't watch them like hawks. If you set snares, you have a duty to kill your prey quickly. In this, make sure you travel
your snare patch regularly and never ever leave a snare and forget about it.