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The Summer Olympic Games in China, Target of Jihad??

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posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 09:50 AM
No threads about this yet i think , I looked around a bit.
Just read an article about a terrorist group pledging to attack the olympics, which start in about 2 weeks I think?

So its coming up soon in and I'm predicting an attack, hopefully nobody is hurt of course.. This will give me a reason to watch the olympics this year at least, was'nt there a small pipe bomb or something at the Atlanta olympics ?

Ive noticed a lot of threads about people having a general feeling that 'something' is about to happen..

any thoughts?
added news link-
[edit on 27-7-2008 by _Bede_]

[edit on 27-7-2008 by _Bede_]

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 10:14 AM
just found a similar thread, sorry if this is irrelevant or should be in a different section its my first attempt at starting one up ..

[edit on 27-7-2008 by _Bede_]

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by _Bede_

There is another thread, but as a new member, I will post in your thread.

Do you think it is Muslium terrorists or as some claim, it is the US?

If there IS terrorism durning the Olympics, what will be done?

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 03:46 PM

A group calling itself the Turkestan Islamic Party has released a video asserting responsibility for deadly bus bombings last week in China and threatening attacks during the Olympics.

Well thats what the article says.. but the turkestan islamic party? does sound kind of bogus, good call on the possibility it might be an american group. Id have to agree, and really i probably wouldnt have thought of that untill way after the fact. Might be kind of hard for average united states citizens to covertly infilitrate china like that though since we look so much different , and using asian americans well.. i just dont think you could easily find very many who would willingly bomb a public bus.

[edit on 27-7-2008 by _Bede_]

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 03:48 PM
Maybe someone with a bit of money paying extremist types to stir up trouble? who and how would someone benefit from something like that?

sorry for doubl post

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 12:38 AM
Mabye if some islamic radicals attack China, it will unite ALL of the modern world together to expunge this plauge that is Islamic Radicalism...

If aN HORRIBLE attack occurs, i hope the world unites togther this time, and destroys this virus for good.

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