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Would Bush Impeachment give the U.S more support/ forgiveness in the world's eyes

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posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 07:35 AM
i was reading about the latest bush hearings and how they are getting more people (including kunicich of course) to back impeachment proceedings, wether anything will ever come about, i am not placing my money on him getting throw out, however i wondered would the world who has a more negative view of the united states than in recent memory, change their tune and believe we "see the light" by impeaching his ass. Even should the intent (behind the politicians now doing this) be so that we can have the world backing us again, instead of truly believing he was wrong (i think he's awful btw) but again this is politicians , but anyway sticking with the point, how would this change the world's opinion of the U.S , should GW bush be impeached?

I think we would be more respected= and thus have more support= more powerful again.

[edit on 27-7-2008 by cpdaman]

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 07:42 AM
Everyone one is talking impeachment, but no one is bringing up any valid reasons for impeachment. Emphasis on valid.

You just can't impeach someone because you don't like them.

Sheesh, Bush Derangement Syndrome is a very serious illness.

The President of the United States is just that, the President of the UNITED STATES. Pandering to the WORLD is something that liberals do. Making sure the United States remains the only Super Power is something a conservative would do.

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 07:51 AM
I understand your upset, it's ok you think he is good. That's an opinion , just like everyone has.

Now how bout the question in the thread title.

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by RRconservative

The President of the United States is just that, the President of the UNITED STATES. Pandering to the WORLD is something that liberals do. Making sure the United States remains the only Super Power is something a conservative would do.

"Couldn't have said it better"

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 10:04 AM
I think there's a perceptual disconnect, between how US citizens see their political system, and how the world sees the motivations and actions of US foreign-policy.

Citizens in the US think of each 4-year election as a potential political 'clean sweep', creating distinct boundaries and discontinuities between the policies of successive administrations.

Outside the US, much more continuity is perceived. A 'larger pattern' of behaviour is seen, with motivations and methods that transcend the rhetoric of any one particular political party or Presidency.

The US history of foreign interventionism, from the middle of the 20th century through today, is a larger tapestry of agenda and motivation -- although the actions of the Bush administration may, to many, obviously underscore the more objectionable aspects of that motivating ideology, it would be foolish to assume that a simple election, or even impeachment of an individual or administration, would cause that to radially change in practice.

The proof of actual change would be in establishing a new pattern of actions. Without that, political hot-air and theater is just another meaningless diversion.

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 10:30 AM
Ian Mclean thanks for that perspective

so basically fool me once shame on you, fool me twice...on me

Ian outside the U.S do you think people view the president as having as much power, or is he viewed as more of a puppet, sort of one of the many faces that is changed every 4-8 years who placates the public, infuses them w/ hope at the onset, while talking out the side of his mouth to americans willing to beleive in order to find comfort in his words. All the while his administration (usually him included) work hard to forward the globalists iimperialistic adventures, while these parasites undermine the health of their host country.

[edit on 27-7-2008 by cpdaman]

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 09:49 AM
reply to post by cpdaman

Speaking as a Canadian,

2 words:

Abso - Lutely

It would set my heart ablaze with joy to see your present
Commander in Peat tried for his vicious crimes against America and the world.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by RRconservative
Everyone one is talking impeachment, but no one is bringing up any valid reasons for impeachment. Emphasis on valid.

You just can't impeach someone because you don't like them.

Tell that to Bill Clinton. Didn't he get impeached for lying? Over a silly blow-job, no less!
Bush has lied to the American public and Congress about an imaginary threat, leading US into an illegal war, padding his administrative nest with anti-constitutional laws. This is far more valid a reason for impeachment than the media frenzy, tabloid, sensationalist story that Clinton had to endure.

I just scratch my head when I examine the American political processes. Isn't the entire constitution based on less government and more individualism? If I've read correctly, Bush is leading America down a very slippery slope towards a fascist state. This is dangerous for the entire world and if it should come to pass that Bush is impeached, the rest of the world will gain more respect for the citizens of the US and their processes of justice. As it stands, respect and support for congress and its citizens drops continually world wide IMO while American citizens and governments stand around doing nothing, chattering and enabling injustice and immoral actions to continue.

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