I searched for posts on Ats but it seems that this isnt posted here before.
I´ve seen this on a youtube video about hidden places on google earth. Then
i searched for it in google earth.
It seems that there are 2 objects. One of them looks like a glowing orb, but it
seems to be definetly hovering over the water. The orb seems to have a diameter of 15 meters.
For me, this is one more piece of serious evidence that something is out there.
Either aliens, an undiscovered earth lifeform or a secret military object. It doesnt matter, because whatever it is, it is truly fascinating!
Check it out, wtih the coords on Google Earth or on Google Maps:
78°38'29.47"N 15° 7'6.58"E
Maybe there is a top secret base somewhere on this island. That would be one perfect place because this place is so abandoned, its almost impossible
for normal people to get to this place. Only a scientific expedition or a military fleet would put the effort to reach this place.
That place would provide secrecy that lies far beyond , what Groom Lake has to offer for secret military tests.
But sometimes i have the feeling that the people behind Google Earth insert pieces of satellite imagery for purpose, where you can see something
strange, but around this image is only a crappy resolution.
What do you guys think? This is NOT an image error or an reflections, thats for sure.
Google earth is such a great tool for discoveries.
Keep on searching, the truth is out there!
[edit on 27-7-2008 by allMIGHTY]