posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 02:01 AM
ATS is always a constant source of amusement.
Let's for a moment set aside the Mayan Calendar and all "Doomsday Prophesies", Biblical and otherwise; let's forget about the rule of "Follow The
Money" and ignore what governemtns around the world have been doing. Let us for a moment be a Typical American and believe what our government and
the news media tell us is true.
Now, do you feel safer? Does all that is and has been going on around you, the real estate crash; the banking failures; the fact that America has
been turned into a nation of consumers that don't make much of anything anymore and instead of "Family Farms" the majority of agriculture is owned
and run by large multinational companies, does this worry you? How about the fact that every man woman and child owes $75, 000 to pay off the
national debt or maybe the fact that we have more people in prisons than any nation on the planet or maybe it makes you feel a little concerned that
our constitution has been gutted or that our US Dollar is crashing and countries like China hold most of the paper on your homes, tpo say nothing of
how America has been being bouight by foreigners for some time now. Maybe that B of A Credit Card you have that says your interest rate can go to 29%
is they decide you have violated the terms of credit..maybe that will worry you typial types.
Okay, let's say that you still feel good about America and your way of life and the way of life for your children, let's say gay marriage is fine,
that pornography being everywhere is fine, that raiding a compound and hauling off children because the gov says so..maybe this is "Your
America...maybe you really are doing just fine..maybe because "Them Is You".
There are none so blind as those who will not see but please " Be Happy", you weren't going to do much anyway.
To quote my late and most favorite comedian George Carlin, the wealthy elite are a big club and you ain't in it but go ahead, believe you are and be
the fodder most of us think you are.