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Toyota Patents a Quantum Motor

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posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 01:56 PM

Reed said he has been contacted about coverage of the test run by, among others, 20/20, 60 Minutes, Larry King Live, Primetime Live and CNN. A representative of CNN, Reed said, has already seen the car and might broadcast daily updates during the journey.

The idea for this technology came to Reed in a number of dreams and visions over the past 35 years.

Interesting about the 'dreams' That ties in with some other stuff about where these spurts of knowledge come from... just like a Russian, a German and an American all got the same idea on the same liquid fuel rocket design independently and those three nations became the leaders in Rocket Science...

Now we have multiple inventors with test models of this magnetic engine...

I think its 'time has come' It will be interesting to watch this play out.. but I hope they hurry... my electric bill is MURDER here in the summer in Vegas with 110 outside

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by mybigunit
The sad things are these companies patent these good ideas and never do anything with them to make the oil and energy companies happy. Its patented so if you or I come up with it we cant use the idea. Thats how I feel maybe Im wrong though.

i Had the same thought after watchin the latest exxon mobil advert where they patented a new battery cell sperator thing for the electric car.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by zorgon

yeah, should have clarified....'unknown' to the public. As has been noted before, Tesla and his ideas were 'buried' since there was no known way to meter, and thus turn a profit....because, that's what it's always about, isn't it??

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 07:00 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

This patent was just filed and as yet I can not get access to a full copy. This probably means that it has not completely been processed or is restricted...

I will be watching this one closely to see what comes up in the news.

It is noteworthy that Toyota has a car named Quantum, but that has nothing to do with this engine...
(visit the link for the full news article)

I better see this quantum motor on the front cover of
Popular Science magazine soon.
This is just too cool.
Can it power a house by connecting it to a generator.
Motor/Generator = MG set

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 07:06 PM
You know there is a simple solution to the power problem for home users...


You need a furnace with a good smoke scrubber... a boiler with a close water system (there will always be a leak a little) Use the furnace as an incinerator... get rid of all burnable trash and heat the water... give you heat and steam for a small turbine

The scrubber will keep your emissions less than a fire place... and you can toss in an extra coil for hot water and a vent blower system for hot air

Simple huh?

Then the ashes go with you veggie scraps into the compost heap for making soil for your garden...

Put a greywater line in from your bathtub and laundry and water that garden...

Hmmmm a few solar panels on that roof...

And the Chinese are making generators that run on solar power

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 11:08 AM
I thought this was a simple science class project we did in High School. I was under the impression this was already in the public domain.


Maybe I should dig up some of my old science fair projects and see what I can patent.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 12:24 PM
damn this is good stuff leave it to zorgon to find it. so i now what even if we did try to inquire about it the question would be how long till we see something coming off the assembly line, i'd think may 10 years after the fuelcell has had a run at the market.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 01:37 PM
i have a bunch of torus magnets, and have been meaning to get to doing something with them..i saw this on video i think on youtube somewhere if i find a link ill post it.

basicly its a moving stator, that closes around the rotator, and somehow IF or some kind of light alter the flux, which is interesting if true.

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by weedwhacker

That's not the real cause. The press screwed it up for him. He never intended the power to be free, just cheap and available.

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by zorgon...A STEAM TURBINE...

Works for cars too, recaptures lost heat from the engine and converts it to mechanical energy...

'cept the engine never gets hot enough when yer burnin' hydrogen!

So you see why I posted that 100KW turbine in our group

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 11:51 AM
Where did you people get the idea that this would be useful in any way shape or form, and especially used as a motor for a car????

This 'toy' doesn't even provide enough force to move itself for christ sake, let alone a one to two ton vehicle! The patent is very clear on what this was developed for; The original quantum motor never produced sufficient rotational force and so this new motor addresses that issue by providing sufficient rotational force.

It is not some magical motor for cars. Seriously, I can never figure out how people read into things so much like that. The patent information is extremely clear on what this is and yet somehow people can twist this into appearing to be some new fang dangled magic motor that is lighter and more efficient and blah blah blah.... Must be nice to not have to think.

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by sirnex

The Romans never thought the steam turbine could be useful for anything other than a toy too. Yeah, we saw where all that thinking got us...

Edit to add: the Greeks, not the Romans, even though they were close enough to be kissing cousins they failed to pick up on it.

What did it take, 1600 years to finally make one do useful work? QM is far more than 10 years out for a similar purpose, but that does not mean it cannot happen. So I submit to you, sirnex, time as a factor.

[edit on 8/24/2008 by Matyas]

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by Matyas

Ok, but the underlying issue here is that this particular device is not being used for an automobile engine, nor was never stated as being used as one. The only thing it has to do with cars is that toyota put out a patent on a more efficient design compared to the original design patented by someone else.

No where in this patent was it mentioned as being or could be used in cars. So again we are left with the issue of where the hell everyone is getting all giddy about this being some magical efficient motor for cars. This device is far from that and obviously so and yet you all are exclaiming the miracles of the device as if it is applicable today. Your analogy is moot and pointless in this context.

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by sirnex
Where did you people get the idea that this would be useful in any way shape or form, and especially used as a motor for a car????

From the OP on Page One

It is noteworthy that Toyota has a car named Quantum, but that has nothing to do with this engine...

So where did YOU get the idea from?

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by sirnex...everyone is getting all giddy about this being some magical efficient motor for cars. a generalization. I don't immediately see the application for a vehicle, but I won't rule it out.. Zorgon is considering it as an alternative source of power, along with many other sources. I am not claiming it has the capability today, however in the future they may be as commonplace as the steam turbine, and in this context my analogy remains in effect.

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by zorgon

Heh, cute attempt, but I'm sorry to inform you to use your reading skills and check the other posts in this thread discussing the uses of this device as an engine in cars. I appreciate your attempt at trying to make me look like an idiot; it was a very noteworthy attempt, even if infantile.


We already have engines that make use of magnets. So honestly there is nothing amazingly cool about this particular engine. The biggest difference in this engine is it's use of light to modulate the rotational speed of the rotor itself. Granted IF the technology COULD be scaled up, and that is a HUGE IF, then it might be useful in some applications. However, I don't see a source of light that could provide enough energy to kick the rather heavy duty rotors needed to provide motion to a two ton+ vehicle. The energy requirements are just no where nearly as efficient as using a regular good old electric engine or petrol engine.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 05:36 AM
reply to post by sirnex

Hey Z, was that a back handed compliment or a slap? I can't tell which....

Originally posted by sirnex...I don't see a source of light that could provide enough energy to kick the rather heavy duty rotors needed to provide motion to a two ton+ vehicle. The energy requirements are just no where nearly as efficient as using a regular good old electric engine or petrol engine.

Stop steering me (into a two ton+ vehicle)!

[edit on 8/25/2008 by Matyas]

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 06:04 AM
No expert on Physics or the like, but wouldn't it be possible to have multiple units in a vehicle/machine to allow for appropriate movement?

If it were preformed in 'stages', starting from the smallest to say the the largest (depending on actual allowable size), couldn't this, in theory, generate enough power to run a small car/light weight air craft?

Just thinking around the corners of the box

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by Grailkeeper

I don't see how it would be possible. The rotational speed of the rotor is modulated by a source of light, the bigger the motor, the stronger the light needs to be, the more energy required to power the whole contraption. The more motors added, the more energy needed to power each one. Perhaps it COULD be useful in nanoscale technologies, but anything of significance to transportation uses, I doubt it. It just isn't efficient enough compared to current technologies.

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