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Obama flips his nose at our troops...death sentence for campaign

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posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 05:47 AM
I cant believe it, Obama skipped a plan visit with our wounded soldiers just so he could keep campaigning. I don't know about you guys but that makes me sick. I was under the understanding he was going on this overseas trip to check on the troops and see how the surge was doing. Know he comes back with , " I didn't want to visit the wounded soldiers out of respect for them, I didn't want it to seem like I was using them for campaigning." Now we know this whole thing has been a campaign scheme. This man makes me sick, I have given him the benefit of the doubt so many times and time after time he has fallen flat on everything. He has now flip flopped on everything he stood for at the beginning of his campaign. Not to mention the amount of money this little sideshow is costing us Americans. His overseas trip is costing somewhere around 20 million dollars extra, because of his high profiling of his trip. Security alone went over budget 9 million dollars. Compared to McCain's, Obama's trip is First Class all the way, because he is using it to campaign to foreign countries. This is just a taste of whats in store for us if he becomes President, however that is never going to happen. Just the fact we have to go thru this dog and pony show makes me ill. I see so much money are government wastes that could more than save the entire African Continent. The millions of Africans that die of polio because they cant afford a 2 dollar vaccine. Obama is a hypocrite. We need to stop this kind of waste, why is he campaigning to Germans?

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 06:08 AM
reply to post by alienj

Ok, I don't get it.
If he would have visited the wounded vets, McCain would have pounced on it and claimed he was using them for his campaign. Don't believe me? Look at all the crap McCain and his campaign say during panic mode.
If he didn't visit the wounded vets, McCain's still going to use it to his advantage by claiming that Obama doesn't care about our troops.

Second, what Obama does with his campaign money is his business. Why aren't we ranting on all of the frivolities the McCain's indulge in? Private jets and such? Those don't come cheap.

And if you're ranting on how the Obama campaign is spending money like crazy, what does that have to do with government spending? More importantly, what does that have to do with people dying in Africa because they can't afford vaccines? If you're going to point fingers and blame, blame the American people, blame the ultra conservatives that start blurting how we should help ourselves instead of being the caretaker of the world. It's those kinds of people that oppose handing out aid to these African countries.

If we're going to claim that Obama is campaigning in Germany, why was McCain campaigning in Colombia and Mexico? It's not Obama's fault that he attracts the masses, he just made a speech in Berlin and bunch of people showed up. How is that campaigning?? Oh, it's ok if gramps McCain does it, but it's a big No-No if Obama does it and makes it interesting.

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 06:32 AM
reply to post by alienj
OMG. The stupidity of bipartisan politics reach another high.

Who would have thunk it possible?

[edit on 25/7/08 by gekko]

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 05:28 PM
I thought Obama's overseas trip was a way to gain the appearance of experience in international politics ... in response to Senator McCain's statement that Obama was inexperienced in foreign affairs. Obama's rationale was to go on a fact finding mission, in order to appear presidential, however it soon became evident to everyone that Obaman's real purpose was to use the trip as a self serving campaign photo op., Posing and pontificating in front of the crowds and cameras, rather than visiting our wounded soldiers. This is about the most unpresidential, and unAmerican thing Obama could have done. In spite of his fabricated image, and lop sided biased American media adulation, thank God the American people are finally coming to their senses, and realizing that Senator McCain is the only real Presidential choice for America. P.S. The Obama campaign and its supporters are now trying to say that the Pentagon cancelled Obama's visit to the wounded American soldiers ... but, the Pentagon clearly stated that Obama was allowed to visit with one additional person, but not his traveling campaign and film crew.

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 05:35 PM
I agree, but you are going to get those lame responses from his supporters excusing such disrespect for our nation and our troops time and time again.

This time it was somthing to the affect "He can do what he wants with his campaign money, it is not for us to decide etc.".

Will this be the same excuse used if he becomes POTUS to take away our rights as he consolidates power? It's not for us to say, but rather, for Obama to say for us.

I don't think so. Obama, you sir, are an arrogant arse who is seeking power in a country to which technically you are not even a natural born citizen of as defined by the Constitution.

You have let your supporters down, our troops down, and how much and how long will it take before more people start waking up to your "great pretender" BS??

Not long I hope.

[edit on 25-7-2008 by jetxnet]

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 08:50 PM
OK you say McCain would have dont that but I can just say he would not have done that. In fact if you know anything about our politicians then you would know that McCain being a wounded warrior himself would not have said a word. I do however believe he will say something for Obama flipping his nose at our wounded soldiers. We are finding out today the pentagon invited him to come but he would have to leave his campaign staff behind. That is the reason he skipped them. He has no use for anything patriotic. I cant believe he could not take 5 min out of his busy "rule the world" speech to visit soldiers that have been wounded to give him the right to do what he is doing. This was a very low thing for anyone to do, little lone a politician.

By the way every politician that complains about goverment spending and big oil money and points fingers at other people need to live by the rules he sets down himself. He is proping himself up as a man of the world, and wants to help all these other nations while at the same time spending millions of dollars in unessary resources just to make a speech to berlin like he was already President. This is going to backfire on him, I do feel for all the Obama supporters out there. Oh and your reference to McCain being OLD, well with age comes wisdom, with youth comes foolishness.

[edit on 25-7-2008 by alienj]

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 10:57 PM
well see, that's the point, "[you] can just say he would not have done that." When this election started, I saw a politician I admired for being honest and for his convictions turn into the very politician he had fought so long to oppose. He is in essence, George W. Bush all over again. It doesn't matter what he does, what he did, who he is, truth be told, he's not the same guy he was a year ago. He's changed his stance from the economy, immigration, and domestic issues. So, saying that you know for a fact that John McCain wouldn't say that Obama was using a visit to a wounded vet. hospital for political gain, means nothing anymore. Sure he's a fellow wounded vet, it doesn't mean he's a man of integrity and principles. I'm sorry, I just can't trust the guy anymore. (And yes, a year ago i was a McCain supporter, I was actually going to go down to San Diego for one of his rallies) And yes, I'm a democrat that was willing to vote for a Republican, so it's not a matter of partisan pride.

Second, you still didn't address McCain spending so much money! He has more money in the chest than Obama does and he is spending more than Obama is. That's also leaving out the fact that he and his wife are traveling around in a private jet when he was apparently low on fund around 2007. You remember that, when his campaign was on it's deathbed, low on funds, numbers running lower than Huckabee's? His campaign quickly said he was traveling coach, right...
Her's a man who touts his Conservative points of view, less government and less wasteful spending is the cornerstone of Conservatism, yet McCain supports Bush's "vision" for security, a vision that leaves us with a bulky Federal gov. and wasteful spending. I'm sorry, but claiming that Obama's the only shameless spender just arrogant.

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 11:13 PM
Get off it.

McCain visits Central and South America, even tries to take credit for the hostage release in Colombia, all to try and shore up some of that hispanic vote that is, i think, currently up in the air.

Obama visits Iraq and Europe, gives an inappropriate speech to the world on behalf of an America he isn't yet leading, turns down an opportunity to meet with some injured troops because he wants to cram in more campaign time.

Who's the bad guy again? It's either both or neither, folks.

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 12:12 AM
I guess facts don't mean much to you. Obama's campaign has out spent McCain's 2 to 1. An independent check of each website will tell you how much money they have. Also your reasoning with GWB is just a bias opinion, its not fact, its based on what you perceive McCain to be not what he actually is, your posts have shown how independent you are not, your a partisan bulldog for the left, definitely not an independent thinker. You talk about following McCain's political stance, have you bothered to take a look a Obama's political stances. You say you cant trust McCain but you give no support for that theory, so I am going to call you out on that. I think its a line of bull*hit from someone who can type. I can support my facts on Obama.
The fact is he is the most liberal senator in congress, he stance is more socialistic than democratic. He has also only showed up to vote 40 percent of the time, that means that 60 percent of the time he blew Congress off. What would happen if you skipped 60 percent of the time you needed to be at work. you would be fired. Those websites also show how he has voted on several issues that he has flipped flopped on now. Issues like campaign finance, abortion, the Iraq War. now its will see what needs to happen, when he was up against Hillary he was all about pulling out immediately. I cannot wrap my mind around how you do not trust J McCain but you bend over backwards for someone that hasn't done anything for you and still has not set his agenda for being President. Obama is arrogant, I will say it again and again. JM doesn't preach reform and then when he needs more money pushes aside he morals for campaign finance, like we just saw Obama do. Of course I have put the facts out there, they are not hard to find, If you want to remain on a sinking ship go ahead. Oops Obama just stuck his foot in his mouth again, The surge was a good thing but he would not have done it. The man is so ignorant of facts he cant even admit when he is wrong. McCain/Rice now there's a ticket, a even better ticket McCain/Powell...

I saved this for last because it has been beat to death but look at who Obama associates with , Wright(there's a racist if I have ever seen one) Aires( I man that I can officially say is worst than Jane Fonda), I cant remember his name but his business associate that has been indited by the FBI for fraud and theft. Boy he is just surrounded by such great people.

[edit on 26-7-2008 by alienj]

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by alienj
I saved this for last because it has been beat to death but look at who Obama associates with , Wright(there's a racist if I have ever seen one) Aires( I man that I can officially say is worst than Jane Fonda), I cant remember his name but his business associate that has been indited by the FBI for fraud and theft. Boy he is just surrounded by such great people.

Nobody is arguing that Obama had associations with these people, even Obama isn't denying it. What's the problem? I was roomates for one year with this guy who is now in prison, and that doesn't make me a criminal. Despite the fact that what he did is deplorable, I can tell you that he was always a nice guy to be around. Does this make me a bad person?

You guys want to paint Obama into this corner where he's damned if he does, damned if he don't. Call him out for not going to Iraq, but when he goes to Iraq, call him out for how he is carrying himself. Call him out for not visiting soldiers in a hospital in germany, but forget about the fact that MCCAIN HAD A FUND RAISER IN THE UK AND WE PAID THE TAB.

They're both idiotic and they're both working hard to become the president.

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 04:20 PM
Yea but you had no idea he was going to commit a crime that he was going to go to jail for. Wright did what he did right in front of Obama, my god tapes were made of it, thats what that church was built on --- Hate. Lets just reverse this, what if JM sat in a church that preached hatred toward the black man, he would not even be considered presidential material but because Obama is black we give him a pass. I am sure someone somewhere will pin a racial slur on me too for saying that. His association with John Aires is recent, Aires blew up gov, building and caused anarchy 2 decades ago and he has not changed his stance on what he believe nor does he think what he did back then was wrong. So the roomate is now in prison analogy is useless. There are tons of good things that Obama does and had he not ignored our troops I would have not said a thing but being a vet myself I think that very act is disgraceful. BTW JM was invited to the UK thru the International Committe. Obama was not invited to Berlin to perform his little concert that cost us well of 9.5 mill.

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 12:44 AM

Originally posted by alienj
Yea but you had no idea he was going to commit a crime that he was going to go to jail for.

Fair enough. Obama knew That William Aires had been a member of the Weather Underground, and did not regret his actions over 30 years ago. The fact is that Aires lived and was noteworthy in Chicago where Obama worked to build his political resume. You can see this as guilty associations, or you can see it as opportunism, or guilt.

Originally posted by alienj
Wright did what he did right in front of Obama, my god tapes were made of it, thats what that church was built on --- Hate. Lets just reverse this, what if JM sat in a church that preached hatred toward the black man, he would not even be considered presidential material but because Obama is black we give him a pass.[/quote[

Which tapes show Obama, Michelle and their two beautiful children attending one of these hate-filled sermons? There's no denying that what Wright said is not exactly love, but on the same token, there are extreme personalities in every religion. Wright isn't even the first black man to be associated with that kind of attitude. Al Sharpton RAN for president. Jesse Jackson did also. Both of them worked toward the progress of blacks in America, and however you want to look at it, there is some animosity coming from that camp toward the white man.

Originally posted by alienj
There are tons of good things that Obama does and had he not ignored our troops I would have not said a thing but being a vet myself I think that very act is disgraceful. BTW JM was invited to the UK thru the International Committe. Obama was not invited to Berlin to perform his little concert that cost us well of 9.5 mill.

If Obama had gone to visit those troops in Germany (like he did in Iraq and Afghanistan where there are WARS), the press would have muddied it all up, sitting outside like TMZ. JM would have been able to call him out for using the soldiers as a photo op regardless.

Even if McCain was invited to the UK through the international committee, he tried to pay for a presidential fundraiser with government dollars, and that's wrong.

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 06:53 AM
First things first, I believe people pull the racial card when they are unable to debate, its been used in the past to shut people up quick and therefore stunts the ability to debate an issue. I don't believe up till now that racism has played into any of the issues of which I have discussed and without getting personal I am the last person to be pointed out as a racist. Now on to the discussion.-------

I can see your just as passionate as I am about who we elect, but in retrospect now days I think we(Americans) need to hold our elected officials to more than just what they say they will do or how eloquate the speak. For too long we have let politicians say one thing and do another. There needs to come a time when we don't have to pick the lesser of two evils but just the opposite. Pick the better of the two. In this case you might argue its the lesser of two evils. John McCain has a record, he has shown that he doesn't care what the established republican party thinks, i.e. I will cite his immigration bill with Ted Kennedy and social conservatives see him as far too weak on their key issues, marriage and abortion. Limbaugh-conservatives see him as being far too "moderate" and ridicule his collusion with Democratic senators, which I myself find refreshing. He truly does go beyond party lines to see all sides of an issue and he did not have to align himself with radicals to get where he is at. There is something to be said to come in on the ground floor and work your way up on your own merits, Obama saw a quick fix with Wright and Aires and ran with it, which is something that has hurt in the long run. Obama has no record, since his arise in politics he has brought the democratic party to its knees with infighting, there has been hate and distrust amongst democrats now for some time all thanks to him. That is not what I want to see in office, there is way to much fighting as it is and not enough work taking place. I think its time for the olive branch. McCain is ready to do that, he will go as far as to isolate conservatives in his desire to make peace with the other side of the aisle. That is what we need right now. I do want to thank you for a well thought out debate instead of just throwing out hatred, but I do honestly think if you took some time and went back and did more research on Obama's congressional record, along with his personal record and compare it to McCain, I think you will come to the conclusion that JM will more than likely be able to get more done elected than Obama. That's really what we want, we want problems solved, not more created.

Obama did visit the troops and thru some hoops and you cannot point to one instance that McCain targeted him on that issue for any reason. McCain truly puts the troops above campaigning and believes any visit by anyone to the troops show there importance and helps the moral of the troops in fact I think I can find a snippet that shows McCain thanking Obama for visiting the troops.

[edit on 27-7-2008 by alienj]

[edit on 27-7-2008 by alienj]

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 01:59 PM
This is a lie you fell for a email from a GOP Boiler room that was obvious from the day it spread. Check my thread. You just got ethered.

Apologize you didn't check your facts you just kneejerked like the GOP wanted you to. Admit it's a lie and keep it moving to something substantial and credible.
And no, I am not a Obamaniac. I just realize our other choice isnt rational,organized or well tempered.

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