Originally posted by bignick
Would you automatically assume, he's a carnivorus/ man eater/ & attack him because of fear ?
I size up organisms based on the technology their DNA expresses.
Teeth are organic tools used for grinding, penetrating, gnawing etc..
If the reptilian had a mouth full of pointy, incisor type teeth, I would assume they were meant for penetrating the flesh of another organism and
ripping and gnawing that flesh from the bone.
You can extrapolate the same basic instinctual logic for long pointed claws.
If I was looking at a 12 foot tall muscular reptile humanoid creature with long pointy teeth and long razor sharp claws..
Before this long chain of analytical jargon sprayed forth about organic tools or what not, my instincts would precede, and I would instantly fel the
sensations associated with "threat".
Now, this is my BODY telling me this. Based on the instinctual programming we and all other animals have as far as survival is concerned.
I could resist the urge to fight or flee, however stupid or courageous that may be, and sit for a moment to observe and ponder as to this paradox..
Being that..
If these beings are NOT hostile, and they are attempting to interact with me,
then what actual purpose do these teeth and claws serve on their anatomy?
If they are so intelligent, then would they not understand "fight or flight"?
would they not understand that their carnivore teeth and predatory claws would cause a specific fear based reaction within another organism?
If they are benign and benevolent, then somehow.. the PROs of bearing threatening looking appendages must somehow outweigh the CONs of how they would
interfere and hinder a compassionate, or at least civil discussion between themselves and other organisms.
Same thing goes with the Gray's dark black eyes.
It's the same psychology behind people wearing sunglasses.
You can't see their pupils.. so you can't see or read what they're thinking.. therefor .. on a certain level.. they have the control.
Men in black.. government spooks.. always with the sunglasses.
It creates a sense of unease, and leads to general distrust in the person not wearing the glasses.
If they wanted a benevolent and honest communication with a human, then take off the damn black-lenses. Or have grays made that don't have the black
lenses be the ones that interact with humans.
There's a specific psychological effect that creates an advantage in control of the situation when one person has to look into deep black pits of
darkness instead of eyes.
If the eyes are the windows to the soul.. these guys have tinted windows.
Same analogy.. I rarely initially trust people with tinted windows. Cops don't like them, and have regulations against them because they can't see
what you're doing.
Same thing goes with the reptilian "slit" pupil.
There's something within our psyche that just does not "connect" with something that is intelligent that has slit pupils.
There's something inherently .. deep seeded.. something sinister about this, and if they understand that, then why don't they change that about the
ones that interact with us.. if they are indeed these masters of genetics...
And on your other point... if the Nordics are truly the "bad guys" .. (as base and broad stroking as that is) ... and they can "disguise
themselves" as Grays and Reptilians.. than couldn't the reverse be true?
Wheels within wheels.. total confusion until nothing is discernible...