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Celebrity Stargazing

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posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 02:22 AM

Originally posted by Brazilonabike
reply to post by Storm_Indigochild

As I did not go to the concert I became angry and said really bad things to my dog ank kicked him... So.. for at least one week, everytime he saw me, he runned as if he was seeing an ET...

Hey come on...kicked your dog..I don't really think that this is something you should brag about!!!!

"sry mods but this has made me see red and know off topic but I had to say something!"

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 02:45 AM
i've read this article of john lennon again...he claim that he dont took any drugs and he dont talk about it this time because he dont want that the press assume him drug consumption..he was clean on that night he saw an UFO...

but here's the radio interview ...just listen

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 03:23 AM
reply to post by secret-dreams

Thanks for the article and interview. Very interesting.

P.S: was he clean when he said that
?? (sorry ... bad joke

[edit on 13-8-2008 by White_mouse]

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 04:31 AM
reply to post by enlighten2012

wow this thread slowly gets a little weird...

maybe it would be a good idea for some people here to open a thread just about the proper aquaintance with animals and about c.o.a.b....
maybe you could do latter - as i read you run a fanpage about him anyway...

yeah that whole criss angel theme is interesting. maybe he learnt everything he can from aliens - that would explain that they visited his show...

no maybe his conscience is just amazingly strong - i am a huge fan of joseph murphy and he explains in all his books why we are able to do just EVERYTHING we would like. soo great.

[edit on 13-8-2008 by milabb.]

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 04:57 AM

Originally posted by milabb.
reply to post by enlighten2012

wow this thread slowly gets a little weird...

maybe it would be a good idea for some people here to open a thread just about the proper aquaintance with animals and about c.o.a.b....
maybe you could do latter - as i read you run a fanpage about him anyway...

yeah that whole criss angel theme is interesting. maybe he learnt everything he can from aliens - that would explain that they visited his show...

no maybe his conscience is just amazingly strong - i am a huge fan of joseph murphy and he explains in all his books why we are able to do just EVERYTHING we would like. soo great.

[edit on 13-8-2008 by milabb.]

is this msg directed at me?
i'm alittle you want 'me' to open another thread about animals and c.o.a.b? ahh where i could have taken that statement..

i would LOVE to know where this post is about me running a fan page? am i the only one who hasent seen it!

we should stay on topic so i'll just add that i would listen to ANYONE (celeb or not) who has seen or is interested in UFOs because anything in life is possible. you know a genuine person when you seem em'.

[edit on 13-8-2008 by enlighten2012]

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 06:26 AM
reply to post by secret-dreams

thanks for the article and you-tube link. hearing the excitment in his voice when telling of the night gave me chills. hearing his voice alone actually gave me chills. his a man i fondly admire. its sad he has to justify wether or not he was on drugs to the media. why does credability go out the window as soon as you know a person takes some form of mood adjuster? his account is absolutely truthful (regardless if May backed it), you can hear it in his voice.

prob dosent show wether or not lennon made a diff on ufo exposure though because he was a voice for so many causes, people must have assumed this was just another amazing occurance in his life.

regarding the double fantasy album.....posted this somewhere else too though if you backmask 'kiss kiss kiss', with Yokos line sung in japanese, actually heard is 'we killed john lennon'. sorry i cant post any sort of link here b/c i am alittle computer illierate.

[edit on 13-8-2008 by enlighten2012]

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 06:30 AM
reply to post by enlighten2012

no...i just put my general statement into the reply to your post...of course i was just kidding with you open a fanpage about c.o.a.b....

god...ppl always get me wrong here...

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 06:34 AM
reply to post by milabb.

here is a thread about criss angel

thread on animals'

[edit on 13-8-2008 by orange-light]

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 06:37 AM

Originally posted by ibelieve2

Originally posted by Storm_Indigochild

My question is if this concert tour was inspired on the UFO sightings Robbie Williams has had, or if the UFO sightings came after or during that tour.

I think the UFO sightings were after the tour, but Rob has always being interested in the paranormal and wanted his tour to be based around his interest and something different i guess but it was awesome.

Here is a link to the official Robbie Williams Website:
Staging Close Encounters
You can read there in various paragraphs that the Tour Concept/Idea/Stage Design/Themes was inspired by
"Robbie's obsession with aliens and all things extra terrestrial. "
... this was already around 2005 as you may be able to read there also.

Quotes from the external source / Interview with Lee Logde and Ray Winkler (the men who helped to bring Robbie's spectacular space-aged vision to life....)

What was your inspiration behind the themes?
The stage design stems from Robbie's obsession with aliens and all things extra terrestrial. Our inspiration came from the likes of Close Encounters of the Third Kind and War of the Worlds which are all very strong filmic examples of the sci-fi genre. We wanted the stage to look like a huge alien contraption that had just landed in the middle of the stadium, hence the huge scorpion tails that rise at the front and the gondola. The geometry of the stage set is built around circular motifs - concentric circles radiating out - resembling crop circles, and the powerful colour scheme and graphics are strong and almost futuristic.
I did the first sketches in mid to late October 2005 following the Berlin show - so it took roughly 6 months to get to the preliminary stage set which was used for the South Africa dates.
How much input into the designs did Robbie have?
The ideas initially came from Robbie and there were several presentation stages where Robbie had his input. It's a very collaborative process so it's important that everybody is involved.

And if you go and have a look here at this ATS thread you may be able to read in the very first post that the Sightings he reported about on ATS were in November 2007, like it was written in Springer's (ATS Site Owner) original post.

Do yourselfs a favour and read thru the whole original/official sources and websites first ,,, before 'Googling' ... there's a lot of reliable information to be found first hand ... as wikipedia for example could be written by just everyone who's got access and is contributing to the internet ... Hope this helps?!

[edit on 13/8/2008 by guard]

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 06:40 AM
reply to post by milabb.

ahhh the mind boggles at this time of night dosent it

all is peaceful again in celebstargazing world....

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 07:16 AM
reply to post by guard

Thank you for the refering thread links on the ATS website, atleast now I don't have to search for them all the time and have a quick access from on this thread..

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 07:21 AM
I'd like to add this link to another thread as well:

Massive Sightings at RW Concert, August the 2nd .... ???

It contains pictures, where it is stated there might be UFO's on them. Have a look yourself and make up your own mind

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 07:41 AM

Originally posted by skept!cal

...Im just really trying to grasp if this will help or hurt our community.....

If you are outpointing the ATS community I'd say it would not hurt at all. This because there are not so many places (of what I know) where it is possible to (freely?) outstate various opinions about this subject and where is a reasonable discussion going on.

But reading that a lot of ATS members were dissing when it first came out that a certain celeb openly had a 'comming out' for being here and being interested very much in the UFO subject, I believe there is a lack of openminded welcome. Take for example the following thread:

chrisonabike avatar -

I am not sure if I find this funny or not..

The more people join the debate, the more information and opinions can be gathered. The more people with various opinions and statement join the more this website will flourish, being a celeb or not is not of relevant if you ask me.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by Storm_Indigochild

lol actually that is quite funny. I think perhaps it is stimulating ATS a little bit if not the entire UFO community.

That cracked me up and inspired me to make This!.. dangerous when the creative ideas start flowing.

[edit on 13-8-2008 by NephraTari]

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 11:52 AM
Hi to all. I would like everyone to see this video. And if someone want to talk about that. Sorry my English.
Thanks all.

Google Video

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 11:59 AM

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by NephraTari

It depends on the intention with those avatars. There is nothing wrong with being creative though..

[edit on 13/8/2008 by Storm_Indigochild]

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by IvoAlmeida

I have seen this footage before, think it comes from the Roswell UFO Incident. I am sure more people on this website have seen it. I don't understand though what it is doing within this thread..? Maybe start a discussion within a new thread..?

As I love Wikipedia, here is some more info on that:

[edit on 13/8/2008 by Storm_Indigochild]

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by IvoAlmeida


yes i did see this video. It sure looks "real". It could be from Roswell...
make me think of a post i did in another thread about Bob Dylan's song :
Sad-Eyed Lady Of The Lowlands
ref. from this article : Bob Dylan And A Possible UFO Connection A little old but very interesting...In the article the writer mention that the song could ref. to the roswell incident. Some also claim that it's about his wife... These songs : 10,000 Men
and Like A Rolling Stone as also mentioned in the article...
Anybody knows about Bob Dylan

[edit on 13-8-2008 by flymetothemoon]

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by Storm_Indigochild
If you are outpointing the ATS community I'd say it would not hurt at all. This because there are not so many places (of what I know) where it is possible to (freely?) outstate various opinions about this subject and where is a reasonable discussion going on.

But reading that a lot of ATS members were dissing when it first came out that a certain celeb openly had a 'comming out' for being here and being interested very much in the UFO subject, I believe there is a lack of openminded welcome.

i guess people are/were just scared this place will be flooded with mad robbiiiiiiieeeee fans who have no genuine interest in ats but only want to get his attention. but this is a problem any site will have with every celeb who has the guts to openly post there. if madonna or george clooney would openly post here it'd be the same so it's unfair to blame the cleb. they don't chose their fans. there are sane ones and fruitloops.

but of course you could see this whole coming out as a being a part of a huge conspiracy. some believe steven spielberg made e.t. the way it was coz the government forced him to do so in order to prepare us for an alien invasion and wanted us to see them as lovely creatures and not as a threat to the human race.

you can see a conspiracy wherever you want so i am sure there are people out there who genuinely believe c.o.a.b. is sent by the british govenment to gently prepare us for an upcoming alien invasion.

of course he will never admit that.

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