posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 01:05 PM
How many out there know that their interdimensional connection to space is activated out there?
Has your brain and body uploaded energetic imprints that communicate to each other, can you connect to people from the -inside out- all the way across
the globe.
Can you feel and know their intent, by the biological mechanism that is the bodies energy field.
Can you tap into space and find out the reception out there.
Do you know that Inner Sensory Information Gathering is part of that gift, to pull up answers. _to know things instantaneously_
There is no seperation between space and time distance doesn't exist nor does actual space in between objects.
Everything is interconnected, by vibrational strings of alive energy units traveling through fields of life.
The whole field that makes up the human body would be the composite of the spirit.
Without the body you would remain conscious of the direct moment of
energy/space your attention occupies.
Space is nothing more then a field of energy, different feelings of energy because of different vibrations that occupy that space.
But what we are talking about does have sentience.
The field that makes up space and time is a- TIME PYRAMID-
Different fields of energy to enlargen what we know about the field of energy that surrounds us in one of many levels of the TIME PYRAMID
The input of space is nothing more then an alive thoughtform.
You probably even pick up different languages that aren't known to the human species either. That is part of it.
Intelligence Gathering, is just that picking up different field vibrations of space, its all part of the one mind, which is layered into a TIME
Different vibration coordinances, different frequencies, different tones, different colors, different sizes, different shapes. Etc.
You will learn that you are a compartment of all that is in the Universe at large, the minuscle is the overall, the existance that sees and knows,
that everything is in its right position for timespace to operate.
I would say there is sixty four levels inside the first pyramid, and the second one hundred and twenty eight in the next and so on and so on.
We are beings that operate inside a -time construct- and outside the events that happen.
I guess the junk dna would be the physical componant of what humanity is as (spiritual beings) connected to the universal structure that is.
[edit on 24-7-2008 by menguard]