posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 10:43 PM
Hello all,
I'm new here and found great interest in many of the forums on the site...
I would like to share a re-occurring paranormal experience that I had and request anyone with more knowledge than I (probably everyone) on the subject
for input and interpretation.
(after thought edit: my apologies for length)
I previously lived in an apartment. A very nice apartment. Very new. I wasn't the first resident but the building was only a couple of years old.
It had high ceilings and all the amenities...and you're asking why you should care of the amenities was this HUGE bay window in the living
room. from nearly floor to ceiling it looked out into a center courtyard. It was a 3rd floor apartment and the only people who could really see in
would have been on the opposite side (some distance) of the courtyard.
Because of this feature and the distance away from potential "voyeurs", I kept the blinds on these windows open almost all of the time... Sure, it
offered a great view down to the courtyard but only during the day...
Most of my belongings were in storage... I had only the necessities therefore my living room was void of items except a computer desk (with computer)
and a chair (i work in tech)'re still wondering why you care...Anyway, the great view combined with minimal furniture, I placed my
desk/computer right in the window... I could compute and look out to the day quite beautifully...
The (now) dreaded night... At night the windows became practical mirrors. If the blinds were up and the light on, I could only see myself/my room in
the glass... No big deal...
Being a bay window, the windows to the left and right side are angled in. Approximately 45 degrees or so... and at night this offered a perfect
mirrored view into a nearly empty room. I lived alone so it really didn't offer anything to see, not even a distraction...
That was until it scared me...
One night while computing. working on writing some application or on my website, i don't even recall. I was finally distracted from the corner of my what was normally the empty room.
What I saw so un-perfectly perfect was a child. I believe it was a little girl. Maybe 3 feet tall. Long dark hair... and white... the skin color
white, not bleached or pale white.
There she was, suddenly. And as anyone does when they notice someone in their peripheral vision when they absolutely know that no one should be
there....they jump. It scared the bejesus outta me.
Jumping and turning my head to look in the glass, instantly she was gone. I turned to the empty room and nothing. Clarity in the side of my vision
(as usual) is not clear and I only got those details... But it was a little girl and I thought she had been there. I chalked this up to a mind trick
I had inadvertently played on myself...
...only it happened again...a few nights later...and again a few nights after that... in total maybe 8 or 10 times.... the same scenario. At the
computer, the blinds up... at night... suddenly a little girls reflection in the glass... a quick startle, a turn to look.. and nothing... the
vision always the same, but always too quick to see clearly.
The glass angle would have place the girl either directly or nearly directly behind me.. and as far as I could tell, she would have faced the glass,
not me as the vision appeared directly head on.
To my knowledge, there was never a death of anyone at the apartment complex and certainly not a child. The place was built on a long abandoned gold
mind (100+ years old) but really nothing else historical for the land. The building was relatively new... I was on the top floor so the image
wasn't from someone standing outside my window... it was 50 feet straight down outside the glass. Doors always locked. Lived alone. Empty room.
There was never a warning... no sound.. nothing. Just an instant startle and she was gone.
Please, feel free to provide any insight. GHOST??
Thank You!