posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 05:35 PM
I noticed that I can't even communicate with rarely anyone anymore, barely even anyone on this site. Not even two years ago, I had tons of friends
and I was out almost every night. That has all changed. Something MAJOR has changed to the point where you can be completely friendly to everyone and
show complete love and compassion, and they just give you the cold shoulder or glare at you like you have just committed a serious offense. Nobody
wants to listen to anything anymore. Everyone just wants to judge.
People are dying inside, though. Don't blame anyone, really. I think it's an evolution of thought... and for something to be reborn into a higher
version of itself, things have to break down and die before the upgrade can be installed, or reborn. I also think, as you start to enlighten, all the
people who are still enveloped in the darkness tend to repel away from you. In this case, opposites don't attract... or maybe they do on a different
dimensional level, and that's why instead feeling like "Oh good, I got all these negative people out of my life." you just feel completely alone.
I'm just holding on, trying my best to control the absolute fury that wells up inside of me sometimes because all of this. We just gotta keep
reminding ourselves that it's gunna be okay and not to freak out about it.
I like to "pretend" that I am just in some highly advanced God Game, where I am completely immersed in the action... but when I want to, I can
remember that this is all just a game, and I can let everything fall apart and just be... and be okay with it.
[edit on 23-7-2008 by dunwichwitch]