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The McCain campaigns lack of teeth?

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posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 03:03 PM
Watching and listening to campaign coverage lately I'm being continually amazed by the punches McCain seems to be taking at the hands of the Obama campaign and the lack of return punches he's offering.

For example, this whole BS explanation Obama offered for being wrong on why the surge appeared to work when he professed that it wouldn't - you aren't seeing McCain defend the surge's effectiveness like he ought to be in a Republican candidate.

At first I was really incensed by their neglect to fight in politics, but then I started thinking - what's another reason McCain would be rolling with the punches and turning the other cheek, so to speak? Is he concentrating on other things like picking a VP candidate that he doesn't have time to lash back? Or is his campaign just utterly incompetent?

I'm wondering if the Republican party has something on the Obama campaign that they are keeping under wraps until closer to November and telling McCain not to spin his wheels too hard. Then I thought of the Whitey tape. Yes, that could be damaging if it existed, but what if they have something even more damaging than that?

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 03:06 PM
I agree McCain needs to take the gloves off, but he also doesn't have an entire media wing to back him up. Every time McCain goes after Obama, the MSM picks it apart, but when its Obama they treat it as fact. How does he deal with that?

[edit on 23-7-2008 by Dronetek]

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 03:10 PM

Every time McCain goes after Obama, the MSM picks it apart, but when its Obama they treat it as fact. How does he deal with that?

It's called "Blogsphere". Obama can't control this, but he sure trys. His operation "Fight the Smears" is failing. Why do you think he wanted all that extra money by backing out of public funding??

He already paid off to change the results of Larry Sinclair's lie detector test. He paid off to remove those bloggers blogs who said they tampered with his online CoB to make it look real, though it is fake. DailyKos is liberal anyway, but they first let these bloggers post it, but then the Obama campaign got wind of it.

He can't pay off everyone, because not everyone will be bought.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 03:24 PM
Hi, My name is John McCain. I want to apologize for not returning punches at the Obama campaign. You see I seem to have this..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..uh,er where was I? oh yea. I have this here mouth problems where I seem to put my foot in it when I speak. Docs says i should be ok by convention time. I also seem to have this here problem of gritting my teeth when I smile. Kinda makes me look mad all the time. The doc gave me some them there blue pills, think there called VIagraa but they don't seem to be helping the problem. Seems to me they have only created a bigger problem for me, if you know what I mean. Let me tell you, Pinocchio ain't got nothing on me. Aw what the hell. I promise to tell the truth so I will. The reason I ain't returning punches is because I am afraid that my false teeth may fall out.

Seriously, just the humor side of me. I don't understand it either. McCain reminds me of Bob Dole when he was nominated to run against Bill Clinton. And I know you Obama fans say he has it in the bag, but if I were you I would be worried. McCain isn't even fighting back and he is going toe to toe with Obama. I bet if you go back to Dole Clinton, Clinton had him licked from the word go. For somebody who is running on the theme of change, I am surprise that he isn't doing better in the polls. As far as McCain, he needs to find the cajones he wore in 2000.

Quick, somebody check his heartbeat.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by jetxnet

Every time McCain goes after Obama, the MSM picks it apart, but when its Obama they treat it as fact. How does he deal with that?

He already paid off to change the results of Larry Sinclair's lie detector test. He paid off to remove those bloggers blogs who said they tampered with his online CoB to make it look real, though it is fake. DailyKos is liberal anyway, but they first let these bloggers post it, but then the Obama campaign got wind of it.

He can't pay off everyone, because not everyone will be bought.

Wow, you just brought an entire new level of disinformation to this forum. None of what you are talking about is even real.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 03:35 PM
McCain didn't have to campaign to get my vote; the Democratic party as much as told me that I was no longer wanted in their party so I took their advice and now will pledge my money and my vote to McCain.

Yes, McCain is fighting back against the juggernaut better known as Obama, only he is doing it in a more subtle, palatable way. Whereas the Obama campaign is one of bludgeoning its would-be supporters over the head with the not-so-subtle threat, "vote for Him or else," McCain and his team are calmly and maturely pointing out his plan and his long list of accomplishments. The Obama thugs just tell voters to "get over it" and accept that he will be our next president. I don't think so, buddy.

On his official site McCain has a new video showing the media's obscene love affair with Obama. Check this out and vote, if you are so inclined.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 03:48 PM
It's refreshing to see Democratic supporters for Hillary who won't be strong-armed into voting for Obama.

His arrogance is beyond reproach and wouldn't be a bad thing if he were to be humbled in some way.

I'm more conservative and was going to vote for Hillary this election. She got snubbed by her own party, even though she won the popular vote.

I believe in free enterprise and not a Marxist government telling you what to do, how to live and spend your money. Old Russia tried that and it ended up with Bread lines.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by Seeker Mom

Could you do us a favor and give us an example of the "Vote for Obama or Else" rhetoric?

I just don't see this, although I hear the PUMA's say it alot. Although they just seem like a bunch of angry people.

I would think they would be tired of the Conservative GOP's trying to tell America what do to, how to live and what is moral, while at the same time turning a blind eye to the lower and middle class in this country.

[edit on 23-7-2008 by Quazga]

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 04:20 PM
Yeah, it is strange. What do you think it is? Maybe the McCain campaign wants to let the Obamamania (yeah, it's there) take its course for a while? But isn't it a little late in the game for that?

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