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The Foundations Of Falsehood Creationism

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posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 01:08 PM
A great series of videos I'd love to see anyone who watches all of them try and dispute them. Of course any who are creationists will refute them with "Bible!" *Foam at mouth set people on fire nuke the planet destroy the sun*

But still a great set of videos.


posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 02:18 PM
There are more parts

part 2:

part 3:

part 4:

part 5:

part 6:

part 7:

part 8:

part 9:

part 10:

part 11:

I hope every ignoranus watch them
Maybe it will lead them on the way to learn about the science we have on reality.

Remember: Helm sees all. Know that, and be judged!

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 11:46 PM
Okay, so it starts with calling all creationists stupid for maybe 5 or 6 minutes, then dispels the old idea that evolution is the same as atheism (not that anyone believes that anyways), calls creationists stupid for a bit again, then shouts about magic for a while.

Apparently AronRa is an intellectual.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 12:10 AM
kind of funny with the simpsons and pastafarianism

but seriously good points made in the video, wish my literal 7 day creation creationist cousins could see that they read that magic crap so it might have the oposite effect.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 01:32 AM
I also love how they point out that Creationists put limits on God. "God can do anything, but use evolution to create things!" I thought he was supposed to be all powerful, lol.

Also, they love to use the laws of thermodynamics to prove whatever, but... The guy who came up with those "laws" said X Rays were a hoax, radio would never work, and man would never fly. Real science guy there...

And even better he's working on a 12th video!

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 07:30 PM
An accidental world, with chance as a mechanism for life forms, must fall upward against science’s axiom that out of nothing comes nothing. Cause and effect demands some Causer prior to nothingness. Chance, to Kant, is an excuse for ignorance. Chance is not even a noun, it can do nothing of itself, it has no power to effect, it is not an x-factor, as many are convinced. And chance is not composed of physical matter. Regardless of those facts, to those who believe in evolution or carry a disbelief of Creationism or Intelligent Design, chance was the x-factor in everything coming into existence. Otherwise, they must admit that they don’t know how matter, and thus life, came into existence. They simply don’t know and can only placate theories (subjective). We should expect science to deal only with facts (objective), approaching things rationally and logically. They have not. Evolutions remains in the textbooks. Believing in something does not make it true. Try and find a real tooth fairy.

Another consideration is that it is impossible for matter to create itself, spontaneously, out of nothing. Evolutional theory is of no help: it doesn’t explain how matter was formed and thus by extension, it can not explain the origin of life. In fact over time, cells do not gain additional DNA
(which, in evolution, must be present for transitional stages), they lose DNA integrity. Each cell is like a carbon copy of the original. With each passing day, the cells are making copies of each other
and becoming a little less like the original. The cells are not evolving, they are aging. Natural Selection produces extinction of the species, not a proliferation of it. Cells do not improve or become superior over time, but just the opposite. The Law of Entropy says that cells break down or smooth out over time and lose their cellular integrity. It is the polar opposite of evolution.

The general approach for those who don’t believe in a Creator, the argument or theory is an equation: Space + Time + Chance = Everything. How can, in what in reality is, 0 + 0 + 0 = everything!? The space did not cause matter to come into existence, nor did time. Neither can chance influence or create events. Can being come from non-being… spontaneous generation of matter from nothing? Can chance actually do anything or cause something to happen? No. Chance is only the likelihood of something occurring. There must first come “cause” before an effect can occur. An a cause logically demand a Causer…and a Creator. Chance is powerless. It can not make something happen or create something from nothing. It is a non-being.

I met an old intermediate school classmate far from our hometowns in a big city. I thought, that’s incredible. What are the chances of that? Lot’s of zeros I am sure, but I did not go to this city to meet him. He did not come to the same city to meet me. It was pure coincidence or by mere chance. But the chance did not make me go to this city. I did. But I had already existed before having this chance meeting. I caused myself to do so. Same for him. Chance is a possibility quotient, a mathematical equation. But you have to have numbers to begin with or you can’t even write an equation. Chance is powerless to create or to cause something to happen. That leaves only one possibility. The cause must be from an Intelligent Designer, a Creator. There is no other way in which to explain the reason for all matter…the universe and all life forms.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 08:12 PM
I made the universe.

I seem to have forgotten exactly how, though.

Write to me if you've found my recipe laying anywhere.

It will have the heading "How to entertain yourself for a while" written at the top.



posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 01:18 PM
Does it include the three parts sugar for women and two parts inability to hit the toilet for men? If so I think I found them.

Also, notice how no "Creationists" have responded.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 10:05 AM
Israelites killed:

Baal: 0
Yahweh: Hundreds at the beginning of the Exodus (the 250 who had to move away from the tents), leading into thousands (the entire generation that died crossing the desert because Yahweh couldn't convince them to believe properly).

What a good and loving god he is. It's so difficult to understand why oh why those deceitful children of Israel kept turning towards the worship of other gods.

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