posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 12:08 PM
First off, the guy was not trying to tape this event for skeptics and debunkers.
No matter how good the tape was or how long he taped the object, pseudoskeptics would not go, hey that's an extra-terrestrial craft.
You have to take the eyewitness account into consideration because sometimes things don't show up on camera the same way the person saw it.
I have taken many pictures of different things and people and when the pictures were developed they didn't look like I thought they would.
People are seeing something that's out of the ordinary to them, they are not thinking, let me get the best pics and angles for the skeptics.
I'm not saying this guy's story means he saw an extra-terrestrial/extra-dimensional spacecraft. What Iam saying is you don't know and to dismiss
so easily makes no sense.
Do you know how a real extre-terrestrial/extra-dimensional spacecraft looks?
If you don't know how a real craft looks or how our cameras will respond to their technology, how can you say this isn't the picture of one or he
didn't see one?
It's like looking for counterfeit money but you don't know what real money looks like.