posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 11:49 AM
Another thing. The ancient Hebrews practised a kind of apatheid just like in Israel today one might say. The Heb. "goyim" (geniles, "nations"), or
for instance male temple prostitutes who offered their bottoms for certain people of the latter (heb. "qadesh") which led to the laws homophobes
without linguistic or historic or paleantropologica indisia claims prohibits homosexuality in general and that gays thereby should suffer the same
judgement, the capital one, or the Heb. "haral" (the uncircumcised), well they were all concidered unclean in one way or the other. Their cultural
philosophy included much of the same ideas as we find in Nazi Germany and especially Rudolf Hess did all in his power to prove that humankind was
divided into different races or branches, and that one of these branches, the Arians, were somehow the ideal Übermensch, while Hebrews and Romanis
for instance were Untermenschen, or of a lower breed. Like the Hebrews, the Nazis also sought to eradicate the other Untermenschen, and just like the
Jews they claimed divine origin to their particular branch of the human kind. While Hebrews claimed they were the chosen race of the One and Only God
around, the Nazis and esp. Hess, claimed the Arian race were the closest descendants of seven priests who had managed to escape Atlantis before it
sank into the ocean. They were seen as demigods with a linage reaching back to the gods of that civilisation. A common trait with many empires and
nations, from ancient times until today. Everyone from ancient egyptian pharaos to Roman emperors and the bloody pope have claimed and some people
still do claim divinity (like the pope).
Well, all of this fills up dangerous ground, and these ideologies have brought about more horror than anyone can imagine. If you are a Christian and
wants to be "clean" in the Torahic sense, please concider that you are supporting a system of racistic and fascistic traditions created to divide
between some imaginary ideal super human being and the lower, dirtier and more degenerated and unclean people filling up most of this globe.
Jesus taught us the Way of Love and fulfilled the Law, for the Sanhedrin together with the Roman proconsulate sacrificed his blood, and thereby did
the most unclean of offerings, to sacrifice a human being, who is unclean according to their own Law, unless he is sinless, something I have pointed
out many times that Jesus WAS NOT allthough the Church has made it seem that way.
And if you don't eat pork because you somehow believe it is unclean, do you still eat shrimps, escargot, squid, catfish, Russian and most other
caviars, hares and rabbits? Well, these and many other delicasies are non-kosher or concidered to be haram by Muslims. And for some strange reasons,
most modern Jews seems to concider their brothers among the Muslims unclean, eventhough most of them have the same ancestor, the ever elusive Abraham,
and like their brothers the men are circumcised according to the same tradition as Jews and follow the same food hygiene, based on the Torah. Somehow,
to a concervative Jew living in Israel, a Muslim Palestinian is unclean and must therefore be segregated out of their society or even be deemed
lawless or be killed as an enemy of war. Not that one is better than the other, but somehow when Jes does this and have these ideologies, they are
good, while other people showing the same ideas are evil. Beats me. That's apartheid and straight out fascistic.
The present government in Israel have become worse than the Nazis and has filled this world with TRUE TERROR with genocide and major destruction of
vital industry etc. thus directly targeting civilians, nothing like the mostly imaginary CHILDSPLAY of people like Bin Laden or movements like Hamas.
Or take the US-Soviet weapons' race? Take the US lead War against Terror towards people living along the Axis of Evil, take the constant apartheid
agenda of Israel to it's neighbours and fellow citizens. THATS REAL TERROR. The only theoretic idea that can somehow set Jewish and American
governments and war mongers free while people and organisations the same people have concidered to belong to the "horrable, extremist terrorists".
Well, the only thing must be that US-Israel are somehow "clean" or "civilised" or even "victimous" while the terrorists are "unclean",
"uncivilised" and the "aggressors", the "criminals". They are worse people, more viscious and of a lower caste than Israeli and American
politicans, officers and soldiers the claim is. Well, looking at the facts and the bottomline, the red and italic numbers, well, the truth doesn't
look like that. Bush is a much worse terrorist that Bin Laden for Bush has waged much more terror than any other person I know of.
Look up the semantics of the word 'terror' or 'terrorist' in a dictionary. Who does it apply to: Bush or Osama? Well appart for the fact that we
live in the West and don't see much of the actual terror that's being waged uppon civilians and buildings and facilities around the globe thanks to
nations like USA and Israel. Well we all remember at least one terror attack, like the gassing of subwaypasengers in Tokio or the 9-11 disaster. Now
how many civilians, buildings and vital facilities like water-cleaning, electricity, food and medicine etc. have been killed or destroyed by decleared
terrorists belonging to the so called Axis of Terror, hand what does the bottomline say about Western armies? I wouldn't even bother doing the math.
USA and Israel alone has produced most of the terror that is around in our world society, either through their direct or indirect actions, like
economic apartheid etc. What is 3000 civilian casualties and a couple of obviously poorly designed buildings, compared to the civilian casualties and
infrastructural and vital facilities damage, including the daily torture of thousands of "terror"-suspects around the world, by the hands of George
W. Bush and USA, well, since 9-11 2001 and until today. Have you ever done the math?
Or simpler: Compare the "result" of Al Quaida with the "result" of USA. You will find out that USA has caused hundreds and thousands of percents
more damage. Now what makes AlQuaida into a terror-organisation while the Bush administration is somehow a civilised and rightious organisation
defending it's interrest in a civil and rightful manner? American soldiers practise several methods of torture which is carried out on everything
from casual men and women who were unlucky enough to be at the wrong place at the wrong time, but whom US Army and Intelligence claim belongs to a
terror network to real terrorists. Waterbordering is one of them, and basically it involves drowning of people and waking them up. Sleep deprivation
and extreme isolation, food and drink deprevation and many other evil things. If you are American, know that your government and Army does this! Ask a
Korea-war-veteran about waterbordering.
And another thing, any statistics run on masses of detainees and prisoners, include a certain group of innocent people who have been wrongly accused,
sentenced and imprisoned based on lies, bad intelligence, bad justice and so on. And when you know that US Army and Intelligence under the Bush admin.
seems to allow themselves to imprison and torture people without trial and the possibility to defend themselves. Well, all of this is disgusting and
highly UNCLEAN.
[edit on 5/1/2009 by Neo Christian Mystic]
[edit on 5/1/2009 by Neo Christian Mystic]