posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 11:05 PM
I have been replaying this video in my head all day. It reminds me of a documentary I saw last month called "The Heart of a Lioness". It was about a
female lion who didn't have a pack, yet was surrounded by other packs. She was kind of in the center of these pack territories. She was starving, and
there was a baby deer who was also abandoned and hungry. (I don't know what kind of deer it was). This woman was filming and studying them. The
lioness stayed with this baby deer and didn't hunt. They just stayed together. The baby deer would walk for hours like they do, and was looking for
water, making the lion tired. Eventually another lion took the baby deer. The lioness was too weak and didn't dare attack the other lion. Once the
baby had been killed she would hunt again. Then the lioness did it several more times...befriended other abandoned baby deer. I found it simply
incredible. The people in Africa from that area revered her.
There is so much more to animals than we know or understand.