posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 10:09 AM
So I have been playing world of warcraft since Oct 31, 2005. I would say, and my friends agree, that I am pretty addictied to the game. I have stopped
playing for a few months at time here and there but then I all ways go back. Well as of the last month I have been seriously considering selling my
account and washing my hands of the game. It seems that as soon as I made this decision ATS started advertising WoW like crazy. Now every page I go to
has an ad for the game. What gives? Now I am not trying to say something crazy like ATS is in with Blizzard and their reading my mind, because well
thats really out there. I guess there is no real point to this thread beyond me saying "ATS stop the advertising it isn't helping with my
addiction!!!" lol o well
Daracy Runetotem 70 rogue
Kneedeep Runetotem 70 warlock
Paganknight Runetotem 70 Resto Shaman
Typhoeuz Runetotem 70 Warrior
Thats just the higher levels I have plenty of other toons. lol