posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 05:43 AM
This isn't really anything amazing or spectacular, it was just an odd instance that happened the other day.
Basically I woke up late in the day, and got online, checked my email and so forth. Then I got up and went to the bathroom. I go in and while I was in
there doing my business, I heard a very distinct 'whirring' noise. It sounded exactly like when you take a power drill and squeeze it once real
quick and it does one rotation. It was coming from above me or in the shower behind me.
I didn't hear any construction going on around in the neighborhood while I was awake. I was the only one home. I looked out the window to see if
there was anyone or anything out there, but nothing. So I just stood there seeing if it would happen again and it never did. In fact, no one here even
owns a power drill. Besides, who needs just one rotation of a power drill? Might as well screw it in yourself.
I live in a house, not an apartment and the closest house is at least 75 feet away. However, like I said, it felt close, like either behind me or
above me. The only entrance into our attic is from the opening in the hallway, which has no ladder and you need a chair to get into it. Nor have I
heard any attic activity such as critters. I also know it's not my computer as I use headphones all the time and it's clear in the other room.
I am just kind of baffled by it all, because I have not been able to find any logical explanation and the sound was very distinct. I just thought I
would post this up to see if anyone has had a similar experience with odd random noises they were unable to explain or if they could give me an
[edit on 22-7-2008 by ragnarak]