posted on Jan, 8 2003 @ 06:59 AM
hmmm, the question is really ambiguous though isn't it. I mean, just think about the actual questions for a minute and GWB's answer....
ok, thats enough.
Now, what's to stop GWB saying that UFO's are just natural phenomena or the like, because, so far as he has been briefed by advisors, thats all they
are. This guy cant even be bothered, or more probably cannot actually, read the briefing papers put before him and has his advisors do it for him. In
effect he would be telling the truth, so he can easily answer 'Yes' and look someone in the eye whilst doing it.
Its the political game of playing with words and meaning. What the guy should have more likely asked is something akin to:
Mr President, is it true that some alleged UFO's seen and recorded on or visiting this planet have not been made by humans and are not natural
Bt more complicated, but its less ambiguous - a simple Yes or No raises other questions that the press could then follow up on and at least things
would get interesting.
Ask open ended questions and you will get uninformative answers. We most likely all know what the guy actually meant when he asked the question, but
politics is poilitics and ari fleischer et al are just gonna drive a big old peterbilt through this one.
...not asking for a date is a bummer too
[Edited on 8-1-2003 by phait]